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Message from the Acting ED, STARS

2022-10-27T14:11:54+10:0030 September 2022|Facility Messages, STARS|

Deadly Start graduates

Metro North Deadly Start graduates and program coordinators

Metro North Deadly Start graduates and program coordinators, Vivienne Hassed and Natalie Fraser

I was so very proud of the eight STARS Deadly Start students who recently completed either a Cert III in Allied Health Assistance, Cert III in Health Services Assistance or a Cert III in Health Administration. The Deadly Start traineeship program was born from Metro North’s commitment to Closing the Gap and gives students a head start in roles in nursing, midwifery, oral health, food services and allied health.

Liv, Lopeti and Paige have all commenced in casual roles one day per week while they finish their school studies. Other students are currently focused on end of year exams and will be offered an opportunity when they meet the role requirements.

The program not only assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to get a foot in the health employment door, but also strengthens our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce, an important aspect of our Health Equity Strategy. Congratulations again to our STARS Deadly Start graduates.

Metro North staff events

Our Metro North Staff Excellence Award nominations have now closed. Thank you to those who took the time to recognise colleagues, teams and partnerships for their excellence in leadership, innovation, education and training, people focus, performance, and integrated care.

We would love to see STARS staff join us at the Gala Awards Dinner to be held on Friday 9 December. The dinner is always a wonderful night, celebrating the amazing achievements of Metro North staff. Tickets will go on sale in early October for $70 per person (you will be able to book tables of eight).

The #Nextcare Health Conference is also coming up, being held on November 8-9 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. The program will provide practical, inspiring and translatable ideas to succeed in healthcare leadership. View the two day program and talk to your manager if you would like to attend. You can register here.

The one-day Metro North Staff Symposium will be held on Wednesday 5 October at the RBWH Education Centre. This year’s program includes culture in a hybrid workplace, a chance to meet the newest members of the Executive Team and a keynote address from Aaron McEwan, a behavioural scientist, psychologist and futurist who was recently one of five HR Leaders to follow in 2022. If you are interested in attending, please talk to your manager. Places are limited and registrations are essential.

New patient transportation system

In other news, the current QHAT patient transport process will soon be replaced with RaFT (Recording all Facility Transportation), a new patient transport booking system for booking patient’s ambulances and taxis. The new system is scheduled to go live from Monday 10 October 2002 and training and access for admin staff has commenced. If you require further information contact Alexis Austin, NUM STARS Day Surgery or Ben Hackwood, Nursing Director Geriatrics and Rehabilitation Services STARS with any queries.

Lastly, Helen Boocock, returns next Tuesday 4 October after having a much-earned fortnight break. Thank you to everyone who has shown their support while I was acting in the Executive Director role.

Dale Dally-Watkins
Acting Executive Director

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