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Message from the Executive Director

2022-11-03T07:14:14+10:003 November 2022|Facility Messages, STARS|
Helen Boocock

Helen Boocock, Executive Director, STARS

The lifting of the Public Health Emergency on 31 October 2022 means there are a number of changes to our COVID-19 response. The changes are summarised below:

Wearing of masks

The major change is that it’s no longer mandatory to wear a surgical mask in a healthcare facility at all times. Staff and visitors, however, are strongly encouraged and supported to wear a mask within Metro North hospitals– particularly when providing care to, working with, supporting or visiting vulnerable persons (e.g. persons over 70 years of age, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals over the age of 50 who have an existing health condition or comorbidities or immunocompromised persons).

Staff will continue to wear masks in accordance with the Standard Precautions Procedure. This means that a P2/N95 mask is required when working with persons who are suspected to have or have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Masks will continue to be made available for use by staff or visitors at key entrances/care points.

Hospital staff, students and/or contractors who are COVID-19 positive

Hospital staff, students and/or contractors who are COVID-19 positive are NOT to enter a Metro North Hospital for 7 days following their positive test result. This includes buildings or workplaces where any patients of our service attend or are located.

Staff who are household contacts

There is no requirement for staff who are household contacts to be subject to specific exclusion from the workplace. Household contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case should be vigilant for symptoms of COVID-19 and attend to testing should they develop any symptoms of COVID-19 within 7-10 days of exposure. In addition, it is recommended that these staff test themselves with a RAT immediately and then every 2 days until 5 days after exposure.

These staff will need to wear a mask at the hospital for 5 days (starting from when the COVID positive person in their household tested positive).

COVID positive visitors

Visitors who are COVID-19 positive are requested NOT to enter a Metro North Hospital for 7 days following their positive test result. If an exemption is required, a visitor who is COVID-19 positive should notify the relevant clinical area to arrange a COVID safe visit utilising PPE.

For more information about these changes, refer to Dr Rushbrook’s memo. If you have any questions about the changes, or how they will impact your work or area, please talk to your NUM or line manager.

Helen Boocock
Executive Director 

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