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Message from the Executive Director

2022-11-30T10:28:46+10:0011 November 2022|Facility Messages, STARS|
Helen Boocock

Helen Boocock, Executive Director, STARS

Remembrance Day

On this Remembrance Day I would like to pass on my gratitude to those who served their country in past wars and conflicts, especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. In particular, I would like to highlight the crucial role played by nurses and other health professionals. The care and compassion these people provided to the sick and wounded undoubtedly saved many lives.

Please show your respects today, if practical, by observing a minute’s silence at 11am and purchasing a Remembrance Day poppy. Poppies are available for sale at the RBWH (ground floor) or you can buy a poppy online. All funds from the sales help the RSL continue to deliver life-changing support to our veterans.

Metro North Shout outs

The staff at STARS are really what makes it a remarkable place to work. The Metro North Staff Shout Outs are a way of recognising staff or teams at STARS that embody Metro North Values of Respect, Compassion, Teamwork, High Performance and Integrity. I encourage staff to acknowledge and thank a colleague or team who are a positive influence, who collaborate in new and unique ways, or who go above and beyond expectations. You can submit your Staff Shout Out here. I am aware that not everyone gets time to read the Shout Outs on QHEPS so I am currently looking at other ways we can promote the STARS Shout Out recipients.

Pandemic leave entitlements

I am pleased to announce that eligible staff who previously accessed or exhausted their own sick or carer’s leave due to a COVID-19 diagnosis or caring for an immediate family/household member with a COVID-19 diagnosis, can now apply for paid special pandemic leave (up to 20 days). Staff can make an application via myHR to amend their previous leave applications. I encourage staff to look back on what sick/carer’s leave they may have taken in these circumstances and see if they eligible for the pandemic leave. Find out more information about accessing pandemic leave.

Congratulations to Kellie Stockton

Finally, congratulations to STARS’ Director of Allied Health, Dr Kellie Stockton, for her appointment to the Queensland Clinical Senate executive as the allied health representative. Well done Kellie.

Best wishes,

Helen Boocock
Executive Director, STARS

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