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Message from the Executive Director

2023-02-13T09:34:16+10:0010 February 2023|Facility Messages, STARS, STARS Gazer|
Helen Boocock, Executive Director, STARS

Helen Boocock, Executive Director, STARS

In October 2022 we officially launched STARS’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, the RAP details a commitment to reconciliation and improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The RAP launch was a wonderful occasion to reflect on how far we have come already on this journey, since STARS’s opening. Building a new world-class health facility presented us with unique opportunities – to optimise being a culturally safe and inclusive space from the design stage.

Opening a new facility has also allowed a targeted approach to workforce recruitment with the Deadly Opportunities recruitment plan. The plan aims to build a culturally capable workforce where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are supported, feel safe and valued for their contribution. We are already making gains in this area, with STARS having one of the highest numbers of Deadly Start graduates at the last graduation.

Our Reflect RAP will provide us with the foundation to continue to build a culture of leadership and accountability throughout our organisation, so that all staff actively engage on our reconciliation journey.

An important part of the RAP is celebrating Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture and this includes art and its key role in storytelling. The RAP event also included the launch of the RAP artwork, created for STARS by Elaine Hegarty-Chambers from Cultural Edge Design. The artwork so beautifully captures the journey one needs to make a successful recovery. You can read more about the artwork in the newsletter.

The stories in this newsletter highlight the important work being done at STARS by many of our allied health teams, including the Accelerated Arthroplasty Service, Dietetics and Food Services and the Comprehensive High-Dose Aphasia Treatment (CHAT).  Other stories celebrate our amazing hospital precinct including STARS Best Public Building award and the restoration of the Lady Lamington Nurses Home.

Happy reading and best wishes.


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