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Message from the ED STARS and Cultural Capability Officer STARS

2023-02-14T14:16:12+10:0013 February 2023|Facility Messages, STARS|

Jarrod Parter, STARS Cultural Capability Officer

Jarrod Parter, STARS Cultural Capability Officer

Helen Boocock

Helen Boocock, Executive Director, STARS

Today marks the anniversary of the National Apology delivered by former Prime Minister, Mr Kevin Rudd on 13 February 2008, apologising to the Stolen Generation survivors who were forcibly and systematically removed from their families and communities by colonial, past Australian state and federal governments and policies. The removals were aimed at assimilating the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community into the predominately white community.

The apology marks a defining moment in Australian history. I encourage you all to watch the 2008 National Apology video.

The day was filled with mixed emotions as many members of the Stolen Generation present outside the Great Hall of Parliament House still carried past trauma with their stories and experiences.

I encourage you to familiarise yourself with the national organisation, The Healing Foundation, as they work with communities to provide a culturally safe environment for Stolen Generation survivors to understand their role in intergenerational healing.

Take care of yourself and others,

Helen and Jarrod.

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