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Message from the Acting ED, STARS

2023-04-11T11:55:01+10:004 April 2023|STARS, Facility Messages|
Dale Dally-Watkins, Acting Executive Director, STARS

Dale Dally-Watkins, Acting Executive Director, STARS

Over the last couple of weeks we have seen an increase in COVID cases within our facility.

To reduce the risk of transmission, we strongly suggest that all staff consider wearing, at minimum, a flat surgical mask in all clinical areas. This is in line with Queensland Health’s GREEN traffic light recommendations. N95 masks are also available for those staff who wish to wear them.

Our Infection Management and Prevention team continue to monitor daily staff and patient COVID numbers and make recommendations for specific areas via local managers as needed. Please follow any local recommendations to ensure we provide the highest level of protection to our staff and community.

Your safety and wellbeing and that of our patients and families is most important. Your best protections are to continue good hand and respiratory hygiene, ensure your vaccinations are up to date, monitor yourself for any symptoms and if you are unwell, please notify your manager and stay away from work until symptoms resolve.

Thank you all for your understanding and co-operation.



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