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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2023-11-09T11:40:12+10:003 November 2023|STARS, Facility Messages|
Geoff Grima, Acting Executive Director

Geoff Grima, A/Executive Director

Thank you to everyone at STARS who has made feel welcome during my first week at the facility. Everyone has been so helpful and accommodating as I learn the structures and processes. I will be in the Acting Executive Director role until Monday 4 December, when Dale returns from her well-deserved leave.

Metro North OVP Forum advertisement for 9 November 2023Metro North Occupational Violence Prevention Forum

Just a reminder that this is the last opportunity to nominate for the Occupational Violence Prevention Forum which is taking place next Thursday 9 November, 12-4pm. The Forum aims to gain a deeper understanding of how Metro North can better support staff and teams and will workshop new ideas to prevent occupational violence. This is an important issue and I encourage line managers and directors to find
ways to allow front-line staff to attend the forum.

Click here to nominate.

Staff Forums

Thanks to those who joined the first STARS online Staff Forum on Thursday. These Forums are to provide staff an opportunity to hear about updates at STARS, but also to ask any questions. I will be holding a weekly Staff Forum on Thursdays, so look out for the invites in your Outlook calendar and reminder emails. If you have any suggestions for the Forum or would like to hear about anything in particular, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email to MetroNorth-STARS-Communication@health.qld.gov.au and we will endeavour to provide an update.

Staff changes

A big congratulations to Dale Dally-Watkins for being appointed into the Executive Director role. Dale said she was delighted and excited to be given the opportunity to continue to lead the team at STARS.

Michelle Stute will be joining STARS as the Director of Allied Health from November 20. Thank you to Margie Butnoris, Tamsin Mahoney and Jennifer Ellick for Acting in the role. We also have recently welcomed Kylie Hosking who started last week as Business Manager. Please make all our new staff feel welcome.

Safeguarding our workplaces

Metro North has recently undertaken a security audit on access to high risk or restricted areas at our facilities, including STARS. The audit identified a range of concerns, including auditors gaining access to secure areas. This poses a significant risk to our facilities and patients. If all staff could take the following action:

  • Undertake the Privacy Training Module on TMS
  • Make yourself aware of your responsibilities
  • Have your ID on and show this to someone if they ask for identification
  • Don’t let people “ghost” into a room/area behind you – wait until the door is closed before walking away.
  • If you don’t know who someone is in a restricted area, then politely ask to see some identification.
  • Remember safety and security is everybody’s job!

Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Metro North Health Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) Officers, Jess and Nickita, are available to provide holistic one-on-one support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers. This culturally safe, private and respectful service will support and work alongside staff to ensure staff needs are identified and supported.

Jess and Nickita will be visiting STARS on November 14, 10am-3.30pm and November 27, 10am-3.30pm. For further info ATSILT_wellness@health.qld.gov.au or see the staff bulletin.

Pertussis vaccine

We have been advised that there is a significant increase in cases of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) within the Metro North catchment. The Pertussis vaccination is required every ten years to be considered up to date/immune. Consequently, IMPS are offering a Pertussis booster vaccine drive, commencing Tuesday 31 October for all staff who are overdue. Please note, we are offering the Adacel vaccine (pertussis combined with diphtheria and tetanus).

You can make an appointment to have your vaccine by making an appointment with the STARS IMPS clinic Tuesday to Friday between 1.00–3.00pm.

You can review when your last Pertussis vaccination was on your Australian Immunisation Record, via your myGov account.

Psychosocial hazards at work

Under the Code and Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Metro North Health is obliged to identify possible workplace practices, actions or inputs which may cause, or contribute to, the psychological health of employees and take actions to eliminate or minimise these risks. Click here for more information on psychosocial hazards and how to manage the risk.

STARS Staff Council Expression of Interest

If you are passionate about improving patient care and wellbeing and camaraderie amongst staff you may be the perfect member for our Staff Council. The Staff Council is currently seeking expressions of interest from people across all work areas within STARS to join. If you are interested in joining, please send through a one-page (max) response describing why you would like to join the STARS Staff Council at STARS_SC@health.qld.gov.au including any ideas and/or initiatives you have. Please see the terms of reference for more information.

STARS Christmas Decorating Contest 2023 advertisementChristmas Decorating Competition

Now that Halloween is over, our attention turns to Christmas, and the launch of our annual Christmas Decorating Competition. The theme, as decided by last year’s winners, Day Surgery, is ‘Tropical’. Think pineapples, hibiscus flowers and palm trees! To enter the Decorating competition you need to nominate your team here. Please have your nominations in by Wednesday 6 December. Judging will take place on Wednesday 13 December.

Short Notice Accreditation Assessment

Short notice assessment for accreditation to the NSQHS Standards, ensures the outcome reflects day-to-day practices, identifies gaps and supports health service organisations to improve safety and quality systems and processes. Redcliffe Hospital had a successful short-notice accreditation and assessment last week and Community and Oral Health have undergone assessment this week. Mental Health have also received the phone call to say they will be undergoing assessment commencing Monday 6 November.

There is a real possibility that STARS could undergo short notice assessment any day and I know the teams are looking through our governance, processes and data to ensure we are prepared for this all-important assessment. This is an opportunity to shine a light on the excellent work that is achieved for our patients at STARS.

There are many things that you can do to be prepared, such as completing your mandatories, looking at processes and procedures to ensure you understand them, looking at our environment and escalating anything you see that is unusual or abnormal. Most importantly it is nothing to fear and something to embrace.

Thank you all once again for the support you have provided. I look forward to working with you all over the coming weeks and continuing the excellent patient care that is provided at STARS.

Take care,


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