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Message from the ED and Cultural Capability Officer

2024-02-16T07:48:49+10:0013 February 2024|Facility Messages, STARS|

Jarrod Parter, STARS Cultural Capability Officer

Jarrod Parter, Cultural Capability Officer

Dale Dally-Watkins Executive Director STARS

Dale Dally-Watkins, Executive Director

We acknowledge the Country and Traditional Custodians for where our health services are located. We pay respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, past, present and emerging.

Today, Tuesday 13 February, marks the anniversary (13 February 2008) of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations delivered by former Prime Minister Mr Kevin Rudd for the pain and trauma by past government policies of forced child removal and assimilation.

The apology has now laid foundations by acknowledging and paying respect as a further step towards reconciliation. We recognise why this is a significant event in our Australian history.

Please watch the Kevin Rudd video.

It is important to acknowledge the significant efforts between both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to help close the gap, and more importantly, the work done together to address the inequalities and inequities that disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

To recognise this important event we invite all staff and patients to a Morning Tea and Yarning Circle, today from 12.30-2.00pm, STARS Room 476. Event flyer. 

We also encourage you to check out The Healing Foundation with more information and resources to support this significant Australia cultural event.

Please reach out to STARS Indigenous Health Services via STARS_IHL@health.qld.gov.au or STARS_CC@health.qld.gov.au for further information.

Look after yourselves and others.

Karlene and Jarrod.

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