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TPCH COVID-19 Staff Update

2022-01-07T07:04:54+10:007 January 2022|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos

Tami Photinos Executive Director The Prince Charles Hospital

What a huge week it’s been for everyone. With the daily challenges of COVID-19 and its impact on our hospital, I appreciate that we are all feeling the pressures of the current environment we are working in. We are making many changes, often at short notice, supported by a reduced workforce who are operating at full pace to ensure we can continue to care for our patients. This is a big ask, and we appreciate the extraordinary efforts of everyone at this time.

Our Executive Director, Tami Photinos will return on Monday 10 January after a well-deserved break, so we look forward to having her back in the office.

Some important updates for today:

Fever Clinics

Both our public and staff fever clinics have seen a significant number of presentations this week due to increased community transmission. To support people over the weekend, here are the Clinics’ hours :

Staff Only Fever Clinic:

Weekend: 7.30am – 12.30pm
Weekdays: 7am – 2pm
The Staff Fever Clinic is located in Outpatients B (former Children’s Outpatients Department) on the Ground Floor opposite Lifts D). Please refer to our TPCH campus map below for directions.

Public Fever Clinic:

8.30am to 4pm, 7 days

Please note: The Staff Only Fever Clinic is open to all Metro North staff as well as family members. Family members must be from the staff member’s direct household and are to be accompanied by the staff member to access testing.

TPCH map

Reminder – when waiting for testing

When waiting:

  • Please queue outside near the Indigenous Healing Garden near Building 14
  • If you are waiting to get tested, it is not appropriate to leave the line for a non-essential reason e.g visit the café to buy a coffee. This is a safety risk and could heighten the risk of transmission to other staff and patients. As soon as you have been tested, please head straight home as per the guidelines.


Face shields

Please note that face shields are not a single use item and can be re-used by individual staff members. Staff using a face shield are asked to clean the shield with a clinell wipe at the end of each period of use, and store in an appropriate place for next time. Please do not discard. This will help ensure an adequate ongoing supply of face shields across the hospital.

Fit testing

There is currently a high demand for fit testing at TPCH. Staff requiring a fit testing appointment can book online here. Staff waiting for a fit testing appointment should wear a P2/N95 mask and apply a fit check.

Returning COVID-19 impacted staff to work 

There are currently a number of TPCH furloughed, either because they are a close contact or because they are COVID-19 positive. To allow us to support impacted staff to return to the workplace in a targeted way, we ask that staff and/or line managers email the name and contact number of the relevant staff member/s to: TPCHContactTracing@health.qld.gov.au.

For any queries about COVID-19 related leave, please contact our local HR team on 3139 4841.

Supporting you 

We know that many staff may be feeling overwhelmed at this time of uncertainty and change. If you need support, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask for assistance. Please speak to your line manager in the first instance, or alternatively, members of TPCH Executive Leadership Team and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) are always on hand and will endeavour to help in whatever ways possible.

TPCH EOC can be contacted on ext. 6127 or via email: EOC-TPCH@health.qld.gov.au

Kind regards,
TPCH Executive Leadership Team 

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