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Message from TPCH Executive Director

2022-01-28T17:51:24+10:0028 January 2022|TPCH, Facility Messages|
Tami Photinos

Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

We’ve had another big week at TPCH!

At the risk of it sounding like ground hog day, I would like thank everyone for keeping up the brilliant work in addressing the priorities of the current response, while continuing to deliver high quality care to our patients. This is certainly no easy task and highlights the many great people we have working at TPCH.

I am also pleased to advise that the number of TPCH staff in isolation due to being COVID-19 positive or a close contact is gradually decreasing, which is good news.

Fit Testing

A big shout to our Fit Testing team who have done a fabulous job, having completed a record 850 fit tests this month alone. This has been a huge effort and I thank everyone for acting so promptly to prioritise the fit testing of staff in high risk areas. While we have done great work this space, there is still more work to be undertaken to ensure all relevant staff at TPCH are appropriately fit tested as soon as practicable. A special thanks goes to Bradley Maunder for his ongoing efforts in coordinating fit testing across TPCH.

  • High priority staff – TPCH Fit Testers are continuing to work though high priority staff which include:
    • staff working in high risk areas
    • new starters and staff who have not been fit tested
    • ​staff who have been fit tested to a single mask that may be unavailable.
  • Hours – TPCH’s fit testing service will operate this weekend from 7.45am to 4pm. Fit testers are coordinating these bookings as per staff availability provided by their line manager and the priority criteria. Therefore, limited walk-ins will be available over the weekend.
  • How to book your fit test – Staff can continue to use the online booking if they are not identified as priority as per the above criteria. Staff who meet the above criteria are advised to discuss with their line manager, who will then email their details to Bradley.Maunder@health.qld.gov.au 
    Details should include: employee name, availability and contact details so a convenient time can be coordinated.
  • Fit checking – Please do not forget that a fit check should be completed each time you apply a P2/N95 mask even if you have been fit tested successfully to that mask. A short video reminding you of the fit check process is on the Metro North COVID website.

For any queries about fit testing, please email: Bradley.Maunder@health.qld.gov.au

Fever Clinics

A reminder about our Clinic’s hours:

Staff Only Testing Clinic:
7am to 2pm, 7 days

Public Fever Clinic:
8.30am to 4pm, 7 days

Vaccination Clinic reminder

From Monday 7 February, TPCH COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic will relocate to the Infection Control Unit on Level 3, Clinical Sciences Building.

TPCH Pfizer Vaccine Clinic will operate from 1pm – 4pm, Mondays and Thursdays. This Clinic is for TPCH staff only and will require an appointment. To book an appointment, please contact Infection Management on 3139 4894 and provide your name, mobile phone number and preferred appointment date and time. A vaccination nurse will contact you to confirm your appointment details.

Other TPCH News

CCRG acknowledged

The Critical Care Research Group (CCRG) at TPCH has been thanked by the American doctors for their game changing research that was key to the success behind the a recent historic Pig-Human heart transplant performed at the University of Maryland School of Medicine earlier this month.

The pioneering surgery drew on CCRG’s world leading understanding of the use of a novel hypothermic ex vivo perfusion (HEVP) device manufactured by XVIVO that keeps a heart ‘alive’ and healthy between donor and recipient. For six years CCRG has been undertaking extensive preclinical trials into the use of HEVP, leading to the same technology being used in the world first surgery in Maryland. This is a great accolade  for the CCRG and TPCH – well done!

Reminder – Extended Café Operating Hours

To support our healthcare teams during this challenging period, The Café for The Common Good will be extending trading hours for the main café.

From Monday 31 January until the end of February, the café will extend their Monday to Friday trading hours to provide delicious Merlo coffee, nutritious food and snacks until 8.00pm.

When you support The Café for The Common Good, you are helping power medical research taking place right here at TPCH.

The Common Good - An initiative of The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation

My quote for today

“Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen” – Conan O’Brien

Tami Photinos
Executive Director

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