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Message from TPCH Executive Director

2022-01-31T16:27:00+10:0031 January 2022|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos

Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

Welcome to another week!

Throughout this week I would like to highlight and celebrate some of the teams and individuals who have been supporting TPCH’s COVID-19 response. During the last two years, we have seen the introduction of new services as well as the diversification of existing hospital services, in direct response to the evolving pandemic. These services and the staff who support them, have allowed TPCH to continue to provide excellent care to our patients and community during a very uncertain time. Today, we will highlight TPCH Vaccination Clinic team.

Vaccination Clinic team

TPCH’s COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic commenced on 15 March 2021 with a team of approximately 15 staff which included vaccinator nurses, immunisation program nurses and administration officers. Many of the vaccinator nurses were new graduates who have now secured clinical placements within other areas of the hospital.

At peak times, the Clinic has vaccinated as many as 800 people in a single day.

This morning, the Clinic reached 45,390 vaccinations – a massive effort!

TPCH COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

L to R: Laura Rogers (Nurse Vaccinator), Ayak Acuil (Nurse Vaccinator) and Margaret Turner (Immunisation Program Nurse)

A big shout out to all those staff who have supported the operation of TPCH’s Vaccination Clinic since its inception. This was a big change for the hospital in terms of our service delivery, and when asked to step up to support our community, TPCH staff delivered. Well done everyone!

I would like to share a compliment received from a senior nurse in TPCH’s Mental Health Service about our Vaccination Clinic.


To TPCH Vaccination Clinic Nurses, Graduates and Administration staff

I would like thank this clinic for the incredible commitment given to our Mental Health consumers and inpatients who are often challenged in navigating and accessing health services. The professionalism demonstrated and the kindness and flexibility assisted in progressing 80-90% of in patients commencing and completing the vaccination pathway.

I have no doubt that the milestone achieved was due to the positive attitude, education and support provided by TPCH vaccination nurses and administration staff.

A reminder that from Monday 7 February, TPCH COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic will relocate to the Infection Control Unit on Level 3, Clinical Sciences Building.  TPCH Pfizer Vaccine Clinic will operate from 1pm – 4pm, Mondays and Thursdays. This Clinic is for TPCH staff only and will require an appointment.  To book an appointment, please contact the Infection Management Service on 3139 4894 and provide your name, mobile phone number and preferred appointment date and time. A vaccination nurse will contact you to confirm your appointment details.

Reminder – Extended Café Operating Hours

To support our healthcare teams during this challenging period, The Café for The Common Good will be extending trading hours for the main café.

From today until the end of February, the café will extend their Monday to Friday trading hours to provide delicious Merlo coffee, nutritious food and snacks until 8.00pm.

When you support The Café for The Common Good, you are helping power medical research taking place right here at TPCH.

The Common Good - An initiative of The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation

Another celebration

Today marks my one year anniversary at TPCH. What a year to join! During the last 12 months, I have got to know many staff across the hospital and it is a privilege and enjoyment to lead and be part of such a committed and talented group of individuals. I would like to thank everyone for their support and persistence in responding to the many and varied challenges and changes that come our way every day.

For me, one of the most important parts of my role as Executive Director is getting out and about, meeting with and talking to staff on the ground. Unfortunately the last 12 months have not lent themselves to me doing this as much I would have liked, due to an unexpected health scare and of course COVID-19, which has reduced our movements and normal meeting practices at certain times. The other part of work I value is to be able to have a laugh with people, particularly when things get tough. Those of you who have attended meetings with me know that I like to inject some fun, even when the issues we are discussing are serious. I am a firm believer that having a laugh with colleagues and a good sense of humour help us keep a good perspective on the work we are doing, and make us a more positive and effective team for our patients.

So all going well, my aim is to have the opportunity to meet many more of you during this year, and enjoy lots of laughs too.

My quote for today

“Sometimes laughter is the only way to process tough times” – Todd Burpo

Tami Photinos
Executive Director

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