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Message from TPCH Executive Director

2022-03-11T16:25:27+10:0011 March 2022|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos

Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

As we reach the end of another week, I hope that everyone is staying well and safe. In recent weeks, a lot has happened, not only with the severe flood event, but more broadly. We only need to turn the television on to see the many struggles and pressures being faced by people not only within our own community, but around the world. People are doing it tough.

There is no doubt that the current environment we live and work in is challenging, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed at times. I would like to remind everyone that despite everything that is happening, we each have an important role to play, which helps make a positive difference to the lives of patients. I would like to extend a big thanks to everyone at TPCH for their consistently great efforts and commitment to providing first class care to our patients.

Executive walkarounds are back

With the recent move to Tier 2 which marks a return to normal business, the Executive team will be resuming its regular walkarounds, to reconnect with staff and provide the opportunity to share thoughts and feedback around how we can improve our hospital.

On Monday, I will be visiting the Endoscopy Unit and Children’s Ward for a tour and a meet and greet with staff. These will be followed by a visit to the CAM Unit on Tuesday. I’m also planning on visiting a couple of other areas next week, with arrangements being finalised, so I’ll share photos of these visits in my message next week. Other members of the Executive team will also be getting out and about in the coming weeks, so look out for them.

If you would like to schedule a visit, invite me to one of your meetings, or showcase some of the great work your area is doing, please contact my office by emailing: ExecDIr-TPCH@health.qld.gov.au

I look forward to meeting with many more of you soon.

Mandatory March

What a difference a week makes!  From your efforts last week, we have seen some positive trends emerging in the following mandatories: General Evacuation, Cyber Security Essentials and OVP Conflict and Challenging behaviour. So thank you for your support and efforts.

For this week’s mandatories, I ask that we focus our attention on:

  • PDP compliance (annual)
  • Recognise respond Refer (every 3 years)
  • Infection Control Awareness (annual).

Let’s drive Mandatory March and keep everyone safe!

Health Equity Agenda

The Making Tracks Together: Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Framework outlines the strategic framework to drive health equity, eliminate institutional racism across the public health system and achieve life expectancy parity for First Nations peoples by 2031. It details the policy settings and strategic directions for Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) to develop and implement new Health Equity Strategies as required by the recent amendments to the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 and the Hospital and Health Boards Regulation 2012.

The aim of the First Nations health equity reform agenda is to improve Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health outcomes, experiences, and access to care across the health system. This agenda places ‘health equity’ and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices at the centre, and focuses on representation, leadership and shared decision-making with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The success of the agenda is based on listening to and respecting the voices, lived experiences and cultural authority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This week at our fortnightly Executive Leadership Team meeting, we discussed the health equity agenda and how TPCH can start to actively support and promote this agenda among our staff and across our services. To start the conversation around health equity, I would like to share a link to a very moving story that ran on ABC’s Four Corners earlier this week that highlights the issues of health equity and access to care for our First Nations people. Watch story here

Staff Profile

Michelle Dwyer

Michelle Dwyer

This week we will profile Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC), Blood Management- Haemovigilance, Michelle Dwyer. In this role, Michelle’s goal is to ensure a patient’s blood is optimised and conserved, and that any blood and blood products a patient receives are appropriate and safe.

Working collaboratively with the Blood Bank, multidisciplinary teams hospital wide, two other Blood Management CNCs, and Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Michelle spends her days educating medical and nursing about blood management, providing clinical support, promoting blood management strategies, auditing, and developing and reviewing procedures to ensure the Blood Management Standard 7 is met.

For the surgical nurse of 20 years, the best part of the role is working with a passionate and expert team, who are committed to the safety of patients requiring blood management interventions including pre-surgical screening and management of iron deficiency and anaemia, bleeding disorders or those who may require transfusion procedures. Michelle values the work she does, always striving to deliver high quality safe care, with kindness and respect.

When not in the office, Michelle likes spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren and new granddaughter, playing with her pug Peggy and going to the beach.

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COVID-19 update

Move of tier
With Metro North’s step down to Tier 2 last week, we are now transitioning to business as usual and entering the recovery phase of our pandemic response. This involves a review and evaluation of our pandemic processes, activities and systems to identify opportunities for improvement in the future.

We each have our experiences of the pandemic and views on what we did well and what could be done better. We are keen to capture your experiences and challenges so will be facilitating debriefing workshops and staff questionnaire to gain your individual feedback. These activities will aim to gather valuable information about our performance as an organisation throughout COVID-19.  boosters

Currently 15% of TPCH staff have received their booster. While boosters are not mandatory, staff are considered to book in for their booster when eligible.

If you have had your booster and would like to record it, you can do this via the COVID-19 Vaccination Hub (available only via a Queensland Health computer or external access to the QH website, using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.)

The process is similar to recording your first two doses:

  • Download your COVID digital certificate from your myGov account
  • Go to the COVID-19 Vaccination Hub
  • Choose the +Booster Vaccination option
  • Add your booster details
  • Upload or drag and drop your certificate
  • Save

For staff who do not usually have Queensland Health computer access, you can complete the form on the extranet, send to your line manager for verification, and then submit to MN-COVID-Staff-Vaccination-Forms-only@health.qld.gov.au for processing.

A reminder that even though we are returning to normal business, all hospitals in Metro North remain on High Risk PPE – which mandates the need for fit-tested N95/P2 masks to be worn, together with protective eyewear, by staff in all clinical areas. It’s also important to remember that, while masks may not be mandatory in the wider community, they are still required to be worn by everyone on hospital grounds including to and from your vehicle.

Request to fill form updated

The Request to Fill a Vacancy form has been updated and is now available on TPCH intranet forms page: Forms | The Prince Charles Hospital (health.qld.gov.au)  (Please note: the new form will only open in Internet Explorer).

The new form is to be used from now, however any requests to fill that are on the old form and currently being processed, will be accepted until Friday 18 March 2022. From 19 March 2022, any requests to fill that are on the old form will be returned. If you have any questions or feedback about the new form, please email Katie Tully at katie.tully@health.qld.gov.au

TPCH Early Education Centre

Did you know that TPCH staff can access a 5 per cent discount on fees at TPCH Early Education Centre,  which is located next to the Chermside Community Health Centre on TPCH campus. The Centre opens at 6am and has newly renovated yards which align with its Nature Play philosophy. It has extended this philosophy and its relationship with the First Nations people and the land through the delivery of a unique Beach and Bush Kindy program. The Centre also has a Grand Friends program which supports intergenerational play. For more information contact the Centre on 3511 8800 or you can book a tour via the following link – https://www.qccs.com.au/centre/the-prince-charles-hospital/

Feel good Friday

I’d like to share a compliment received by one of our longstanding cardiac surgeons, Dr Peter Tesar which reminds us about the human element of health care.

(Note: Compliment has been de-identified to protect patient privacy).

You replaced my aortic valve in 2013 and it has been a total success. I appreciate your skill in returning me to good health. I have found an alternate use for the valve which might interest you.

Last year my daughter presented us with a granddaughter. Over the past year I have become known as the baby whisperer because I am able to get her to sleep at different times when I visit them.  It seems the ticking of the valve is settling her, and she has been known to go from terrorist one minute, to fast asleep in my arms the next. It is so lovely.

So not only am I grateful for you restoring my health but enabling me to cuddle my granddaughter and appear to be the best grandfather in the world.

Today’s quote

‘Kindness is the best form of humanity.’ – Doris Lee

Tami Photinos
Executive Director

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