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Message from TPCH Executive Director

2022-03-18T08:27:55+10:0018 March 2022|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos

Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

With Metro North’s recent transition to Tier 2, it is good to see that we are now getting back to normal business. The hospital continues to be busy across all areas, and I thank everyone for their efforts in continuing to provide great care to our patients.

Executive walkarounds

This week, we resumed our Executive walkarounds. It was good to get out and about, and meet with staff face-to-face after many months of virtual contact due to COVID-19 requirements. These walkarounds provide an opportunity not only for our Executive team to connect with staff, they also give staff the chance to share valuable ideas and feedback about how we can improve the hospital.

On Monday, we kicked off with visits to the Endoscopy Unit and Children’s Ward where we toured the areas and spoke with staff about their current priorities and issues. On Tuesday, in advance of World Delirium Day, we visited the Cognitive Assessment Management (CAM) Unit where we were able to watch some of the Unit’s diversional therapy activities in action. A great initiative for our patients!

And yesterday, I visited the Pharmacy Department in recognition of it being ‘Thank Your Pharmacist Day’, a day when we show appreciation for the great work our pharmacists do in delivering high quality medication management services. A big shout out to our Pharmacy team!

Here are some photos from the walkarounds.

Close the Gap Day

Yesterday, 17 March 2022 marked the 14th anniversary of the National Close the Gap campaign to address the disadvantages which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples live with every day within Australia. In July 2020 a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap was announced with 16 new targets and four key priority areas which are listed below:

  • Shared decision making
  • Building the community controlled sector
  • Improving mainstream institutions
  • Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led data

As we all work towards the Health Equity agenda here at TPCH over the next three years, these four key priority areas will be at the centre of the work we do, and support the agenda’s focus on co-design and working in partnerships across the health sectors.

There is much opportunity to undertake innovative work and partnerships across our programs and services to help achieve the close the gap targets, and improve the health outcomes and journey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at TPCH.

Marissa Galler

Marissa Galler

Staff Profile

In recognition of World Social Work Day on 15 March, this week we will profile Social Worker, Marissa Galler.

As a social worker, Marissa’s role is to enhance the social and emotional functioning of patients and families through targeted interventions and the mobilisation of services and supports that improve the health care journey.

Starting at TPCH in 2007, Marissa has seen the evolution of the social worker role, transitioning from a very practical assistance focus, to one which provides specialist psychosocial assessment and interventions to support to patients and families.

Always possessing a natural desire to help people who are vulnerable, Marissa thoroughly enjoys her role as a social worker, working with a supportive and dynamic team to achieve positive outcomes for patients and families experiencing complex issues.

For Marissa, the most rewarding part of her role is helping patients harness self-determination so they can live independently and safely when they return home after hospital.

When not at work, Marissa’s helping role continues, but in her other full-time job as a mum of three. She enjoys spending time with her family, as well as gardening and camping when she has the time.

Mandatory March

Wow! What a difference a week makes when we all pull together and focus on our mandatory training.

Tremendous efforts were made by many of you this week with completion rates continuing to rise. However, but we still need to lift our involvement in Recognise, Respond, Refer.

So for week 3 in March, let’s concentrate our efforts in the following two areas:

  • Cyber Security Essentials
  • Recognise, Respond, Refer

Thank you for your support and let’s drive Mandatory March and keep everyone safe

COVID-19 update

Returning to work following overseas travel

If you are requesting to return to work within 14 days of your overseas, please complete an online request form here: MN International Travel Return to Work Process – Employee (office.com)


A reminder that all hospitals in Metro North remain on High Risk PPE – which mandates the need for fit-tested N95/P2 masks to be worn, together with protective eyewear, by staff in all clinical areas. It’s also important to remember that, while masks may not be mandatory in the wider community, they are still required to be worn by everyone on hospital grounds including to and from your vehicle.

New shade sails

Staff may have noticed the recent installation of a new blue shade sail in the outdoor staff area of the Common Good café. This, along with another new shade sail in the outdoor area of Building 14 are the result of feedback received through TPCH’s most recent Have your Say survey where staff told us they would appreciate additional outdoor areas to take their breaks and catch up with the colleagues. So we have listened and responded!

Sam Atkins, Lyn Bridge and Ambi Sud from TPCH’s EOC team catching up for a coffee under the new shade sail.

Sam Atkins, Lyn Bridge and Ambi Sud from TPCH's EOC team catching up for a coffee under the new shade sail.

Sam Atkins, Lyn Bridge and Ambi Sud from TPCH’s EOC team catching up for a coffee
under the new shade sail.

Tour De Brisbane

The Australian Unity Tour de Brisbane is just around the corner with all money raised supporting medical research via The Common Good. Today Studio 10 interviewed official ambassador Osher Gunsberg, as well as Tour de Brisbane rider, Cameron whose wife has receive a heart transplant. You can watch the segment here.

Here is a photo from the Common Good’s Dollar Matching Day this week which some of the Executive team and I attended. As a cyclist and participant in last year’s cycle, I encourage staff to get board and support their colleagues riding in this years Australian Unity Tour de Brisbane. Donate online here.

Here is a photo from the Common Good’s Dollar Matching Day this week which some of the Executive team and I attended.

Here is a photo from the Common Good’s Dollar Matching Day this week which some of the Executive team and I attended.

Today’s quote:

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts” — Winston S. Churchill

Tami Photinos
Executive Director

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