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Message from the Executive Director

2023-10-18T09:55:20+10:006 October 2023|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

Tami Photinos, Executive Director

October is a big month of celebrations, with Mental Health Week (7-15 October), National Safe Work Month (throughout October), Operational Services Recognition Week (2-6 October) and Malnutrition Awareness Week (9-13 October). Well done to all staff involved in these awareness and recognition initiatives. In addition, we have a number of exciting celebrations planned for TPCH Charlie’s Week coming up in just over two weeks. There is so much to look forward to at TPCH!

Executive update

This week some of our Executive team attended the funeral of Greg Colledge, the General Manager of Metro North’s Business Advisory and Commercial Services. Greg was a good colleague of ours who provided excellent support to TPCH over many years. He was well respected for his extensive knowledge and expertise in business and commercial processes, practical approach, and ability to challenge the norm, which he used to achieve positive outcomes for Metro North and TPCH. We will greatly miss his wise counsel and support. Our thoughts are with Greg’s wife and family, and all those who were close to him during this time.

Recognising our Operational Services staff

Tami Photinos visiting the Protective Services team at TPCH

Protective Services visit

October is Operational Services Staff recognition month when we acknowledge the contributions and commitment of these staff to the delivery of safe, high quality care to our patients. In the spirit of the month, I visited our Protective Services team to check in and chat with the team. These staff play a vital role in keeping our staff, patients, visitors and broader campus safe, and we thank them for their great work.

Health Equity Workshop

This week, members of our Executive team held a Health Equity Workshop hosted by Layla Scott, Health Equity Program Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team to progress our implementation of the Health Equity agenda. Executive leads were nominated for the various Health Equity Key Performance Areas (KPA) Working Groups, with these positions being responsible for a range of priorities to improve the care we provide for our First Nations community. I look forward to working with teams across TPCH to progress these important initiatives, with the view to further close the gap and improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

User Groups Underway for TPCH Expansion

The first round of Schematic Design User Groups commenced this week and it was wonderful to see staff from different backgrounds, with different levels of healthcare design experience, participating in the sessions.

The design team, which includes Hutchinson Builders and Australian architecture firm Architectus Conrad Gargett, are hosting the user groups and are working hard to create an inclusive, collaborative and informative meeting environment for our users.

The Round 2 user groups are set to commence next month, and will see TPCH staff that responded to the EOI join the collaborative design process for our expansion project.

This is a very exciting phase of the expansion project and I thank all staff that are participating in the schematic design phase for taking the time to share their expertise and experience and help us achieve excellent design outcomes that improve both the staff experience and patient experience.

TPCH is set to Shatter the Stigma

Shatter Mental Health Stigma bannerNext week, as part of Mental Health Week (7-15 October), TPCH will be launching Shatter the Stigma. The initiative raises awareness of the negative impact that stigma relating to mental illness has on individuals and their families, whether they are staff, patients or members of the community. It also recognises that, by feeling stigmatised or ashamed, people may be less inclined to seek support or access services when they’re experiencing challenges. At TPCH, we are asking for all staff to come down to the launch event at 2pm, next Wednesday 11 October at The Common Good Café, grab a cupcake and sign a pledge to help shatter the stigma. We will be announcing more activities as part of Shatter the Stigma in the coming weeks.

Charlie's Week 2023 spotlight graphicTPCH Charlies Week

A reminder that TPCH Charlies Week celebrations will run from 23 to 27 October 2023. This week, which aligns with the hospital’s birthday, is an opportunity for staff to come together and celebrate the great work we do here at TPCH. The week offers a variety of fun, educational and recognition activities and events that staff can get involved in – there’s something for everyone!

To find out how you can get involved, visit the website.

Have your Say survey

Messages in a Bottle

  • Do something about bullying, harassment and cronyism. People being labelled as troublemakers for raising issues.
  • Listen more to staff ‘on the floor’.
  • Keep up the positive recognition to staff and have more food for Charlies Week.

    Our response


Metro North does not tolerate bullying and harassment behaviours of any kind, and would like to assure all staff that issues that are raised are taken seriously. There are a number of options to escalate concerns and/or lodge formal complaints, and we encourage you to seek advice to follow these processes. The TPCH People and Culture Services team are currently implementing new one hour sessions around difficult workplace behaviours and the options to manage and/or escalate these.  If you are interested in these sessions, the first one is scheduled for 2-3pm, 30 October 2023, Dr Mark O’Brien Auditorium, Education Centre, TPCH. Register for the session: https://forms.office.com/r/trpCsUd2zC.

Listening to staff 

The Executive team and I endeavour to get out to our wards and services to engage with staff on the ground as much as possible. Our doors (and inboxes) are always open if you would like to raise an issue or put forward a new idea. We’d love to hear from you.

Positive recognition 

We love highlighting staff and teams who go above and beyond to the wider TPCH team. If you know of an individual or team who deserves a shout out, please send through the details to MetroNorth-TPCH-Communications@health.qld.gov.au. We’re also excited to be bringing lots of exciting food-centred events to Charlie’s Week, including a Staff BBQ and breakfast and dinner with the Executive.  Check out the website for more details.


Staff who expect to be working on Saturday 14 October are encouraged to plan ahead when it comes to referendum voting. Postal voting may be an option for those unable to make it to vote in person on voting day.

Find out more about postal voting from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). Early voting centres are also open from Monday 2 October. Find out more about early voting options near you on the AEC website.

If a hospital patient or visitor asks you for information about referendum voting options, please refer them to Frequently Asked Questions on the AEC website or ask them to call 13 23 26.

Metro North Health staff are also reminded of the Public Sector Commissioner’s guidance for public sector employees when talking about the referendum and associated matters


McGrath Breast Care Nurses Rikki Hopkins and Karen Hennings at TPCH

McGrath Breast Care Nurses Rikki Hopkins and Karen Hennings

This week we profile the McGrath Breast Care CNC Team.

Did you know?

  • The McGrath Breast Care CNC team is made up of Rikki Hopkins and Karen Hennings. Rikki provides care for individuals diagnosed with early breast cancer while Karen provides care for individuals diagnosed with metastatic cancer.
  • Our roles are funded through the McGrath Foundation, but we are employed by Queensland Health. The McGrath Foundation funds 200 breast care nurses around Australia with a goal of reaching 250 breast care nurses by 2025.
  • The team can be found at the TPCH Cancer Care Services department every Friday. They work in McGrath Breast Care Nurse roles at RBWH and North Lakes on the other days of the week.
  • Rikki and Karen provide specialised support, education and information to all individuals referred to the medical oncology clinics. They do this by meeting patients at their first consult, identifying their needs, and working closely with the multidisciplinary team to ensure these patients receive timely and appropriate care. They continue to provide this care for as long as the patients are involved in the clinic.
  • They work closely with the TPCH breast care nurse Claire Young, to transition patients from surgery into the medical oncology clinic – and sometimes the reverse.
  • Cancer Care Services now document in iEMR, which is where clinicians can find the McGrath Breast Care team’s notes should they ever provide care for one of their patients.
  • You can contact the team at TPCH-McGrath@health.qld.gov.au.

Staff profile

Room Service Attendant Amir Fernandez at TPCH

Amir Fernandez

This week we profile Room Service Attendant Amir Fernandez, who also currently holds the role of assistant cook.

Amir’s role involves preparing and delivering a delicious variety of food and beverages to TPCH patients while they recover in hospital. Patients have the ability to order their meals from a menu on demand, which ensures people like Amir are preparing meals that the patients will enjoy, to eat when they are hungry.

Amir said the most rewarding part of his job is interacting with patients.

“I’ve heard stories from people from all walks of life, and find it inspiring to see our patients overcome their struggles,” he said.

“Every day when I come to work, I try to embrace the present moment. It sounds obvious but I believe fulfillment comes from meaningful action.”

In his spare time, Amir enjoys gaining a deeper understanding of economics and the influences of world events.

“My interest was inspired by my fear of financial literacy, and now I find it very interesting.”

Shout out

TPCH patient Bill Van Nierop visiting TPCH staff

Bill Van Nierop recently at TPCH

This week’s shout out goes to TPCH patient Bill Van Nierop, who has raised more than $53,000 for The Common Good.

Bill was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) in 2015 and several years later, he received the gift of a double lung transplant at TPCH.

Bill has become a passionate advocate for lung disease research and has undertaken a range of initiatives to raise money and help remove stigma in the community. Most recently, he completed an 800km kayak of the Murumbidgee River with his new lungs and wife Lesley by his side as part of his fundraising. Read more: The Long Kayak for Lungs 2 | The Common Good.

Today’s quote

“Do not be embarassed by your failures. Learn from them and start again.” Sir Richard Branson.


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