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Message from the Executive Director

2023-12-01T14:55:07+10:001 December 2023|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

Tami Photinos, Executive Director

We’ve been reading a lot about our State health services in the media lately.

It reminds us that health is a very complex area and that the work we do each day is vitally important and makes a difference to the lives of people we care for.

As staff who work in this complex system, we can be challenged by it. But equally we are privileged to be part of people’s lives during some of their lowest and most vulnerable times.

In health, we strive to deliver the best possible care to our patients, but the reality of health care is that sometimes we lose people despite our greatest efforts. Not only does this affect the families and friends who experience the loss, it also impacts our staff who have spent time caring for and getting to know those patients.

As we enter the festive season, it is important to acknowledge that while this period is a celebration for many, it can also be a time when some people feel alone or sad. I encourage you to be aware of this as you go about your daily work, especially during this time. Please remember that we’re all very busy, but it’s important to take time to check in on each other. Often a compassionate ear and some reassuring words can go a long way.

Executive update

BEMS staff at TPCHBoard members at TPCH breakfastThis week, the Executive team thanked TPCH staff for their efforts during our recent accreditation with a free staff breakfast. It was great to see so many staff there, and also welcome members of our Metro North Board who were visiting TPCH for their monthly Board meeting. Here are some photos from the breakfast.

During the Board’s visit, they had the opportunity to visit the recently opened Charlies Village in the Cognitive Assessment and Management (CAM) Unit, speak with members of the Acute Care Mental Health team, and meet with the Chairs of Clinical Councils across Metro North. Members of TPCH Clinical/Staff Council also spent some time talking to the Board over lunch.

Board members at TPCH breakfast

ATSI Health staff at TPCH breakfast

The Board expressed their sincere appreciation to all TPCH staff for their stellar efforts towards a successful Accreditation week. TPCH is currently waiting for the draft Accreditation report which will outline suggestions for future improvements to be made within the next three years. We will share outcomes of the report with staff in due course.

Also this week, I had the opportunity to meet and speak with members of the Infection Management Service which incorporates the Infectious Diseases Unit and Infection Control Unit. We discussed the future vision of the service and options to ensure its ongoing efficiency.

Tami Photinos with Infections Management Service staff

Infection Management Service visit
l to r: Tami Photinos, Dr Alex Chaudhuri, Janice Geary, Dr John McNamara, Dr Kanthi Vemuri, Kirstie Hastie and Emily Golder

A very constructive session!

Kallangur Satellite Hospital update

The Kallangur Satellite Hospital (KSH) remains on schedule to begin accepting patients from December 11 and it’s fantastic to see the onboarding of new staff that has been occurring over the last few weeks. Governance of this facility sits largely with The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH), though some services such as Oral Health and Older Peoples Assessment and Rehabilitation Service (sit with Community and Oral Health) and the Kidney Health Dialysis Service (sits with RBWH).

Governance of this facility refers to the set of relationships and responsibilities that have been established by the health service between its executive, workforce and the many satellite stakeholders. This ensures that the standards of care and quality are consistent across all Metro North or TPCH facilities.

The satellite hospitals have certainly attracted a high calibre of staff some of whom come from existing Metro North facilities and now have the opportunity to work closer to home, and others who are brand new to Metro North.

Congratulations and thank you to all the teams supporting the recruitment effort, and a huge welcome to the KSH staff. I trust that you feel supported and inspired as you commence in your new roles.

A big thanks to Director of EPIC, Karlene Willcocks who has played a significant role as Chair of the KSH Steering Committee in leading and overseeing the implementation of operational, clinical and non-clinical services at Kallangur Satellite Hospital. This has been a huge undertaking and we wish Karlene all the best as she takes up her new role as Executive Director of Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health Service (CKW) this month.

Metro North OPEN service

The Metro North Health Older Persons Emergency Network (OPEN) has recently replaced RADAR Rapid Response, offering an emergency department substitution service for older people in their own home in the Metro North catchment. Older people attending hospital have a greater risk of hospital-based harm due to a high level of vulnerability to complications such as falls, delirium, pressure injuries and secondary infection. The OPEN model aims to reduce these risks by providing emergency healthcare in the community, including in residential aged care facilities. The multidisciplinary team consists of senior medical officers, nurse practitioners, specialist nurses and pharmacists. To find out more about the referral process, please visit the OPEN website.

Joshua Hogg, Security Ambassador for Emergency Department and Internal Medicine Service at TPCH

Joshua Hogg

Staff Profile

Today we will profile Security Ambassador for Emergency Department and Internal Medicine Service, Joshua Hogg. In this newly established role, Joshua supports the hospital’s Security team with assisting patients and staff to ensure all people attending TPCH have their best possible experience.

A large part of Joshua’s role is communicating with staff and patients to help reduce aggression and violent behaviour throughout the hospital. Joshua looks forward to making a difference to the day-to-day experiences of staff and patients through helping keep the hospital safe. He enjoys helping people and respects the role each staff member plays in keep a big hospital like TPCH running.

Outside of work, Joshua is big music fan and is also a keen snooker/pool player which sees him travelling around Australia in his holidays playing in tournaments.

End of year celebrations

TPCH Christmas Decoration Competition

All TPCH wards, areas and departments are invited to help spread some festive cheer by entering this year’s annual TPCH Christmas Decoration Competition.

Available categories:

  • Traditional (including White Christmas)
  • Aussie Christmas
  • Most Unique

To enter, please complete the Christmas Decoration Nomination Form and email to:
MetroNorth-TPCH-Communications@health.qld.gov.au by Friday 15 December.

Metro North Staff Excellence Awards gala dinner

Tickets are now on sale for the Staff Excellence Awards gala dinner on Friday 15 December. The date is rapidly approaching and is an excellent way to celebrate the end of the year with your team. So get your team together and purchase some tickets.

Shout out

This week’s shout out goes to the staff of Ward 2D in light of a recent patient compliment.

Here is an extract from this compliment. (Read the full compliment.)

Thank you nurses for caring in every way
Thank you orderly team wardsmen for being so gently and soft
Thank you cook for the healthy, tasty meals and serving team
Thank you anaesthetic tech and doctor for your expert knowledge
Thank you cleaners for being nice and friendly
Thank you dietitian lady, nice lady, knowledgeable lady.

This compliment is a reflection of how the staff of Ward 2D are putting our values into action and their collaborative approach to achieving a positive patient journey.  Well done team 2D!

Today’s quote

“Real compassion comes from seeing the suffering of others. You feel a sense of responsibility and you want to do something for them.” – Dalai Lama


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