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RBWH Staff Update | ieMR rollout

2022-12-14T11:13:41+10:0013 December 2022|Facility Messages, RBWH|

As you may have seen, the rollout of ieMR across Metro North will begin next year.

Implementing ieMR will be a big change for RBWH. We will transition from using paper records, to joining our colleagues across Queensland Health in using a digital health record.

We will be the third Metro North hospital to transition to ieMR Release 4 as part of the Metro North ieMR Program, with a planned go-live date of April 2026.

For your information, an overview of ieMR’s functional components is available here.

While understanding the challenges of this significant change, I would encourage everyone to embrace the opportunity ieMR presents. Implementing ieMR will allow us to capture and analyse patient data in real-time, integrate medical devices into digital workflows, and improve service delivery. This will ensure we continue providing the best possible standard of healthcare to our community.

If you have any questions about the ieMR rollout, please feel free to email: ieMRProject-MetroNorth@health.qld.gov.au.

I look forward to updating you with further information about the ieMR rollout as it flows through from the project team.

Kind regards,
Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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