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TPCH COVID-19 Staff Update

2022-01-06T08:14:46+10:006 January 2022|Facility Messages, TPCH|
Tami Photinos

Tami Photinos
Executive Director
The Prince Charles Hospital

As the week progresses, so too does our COVID-19 response. Each day brings new challenges and we thank everyone for taking on these challenges with such commitment and flexibility. We have certainly become champions of change!

Some important updates for today:

Postponement of non-urgent planned care
As advised in yesterday’s Metro North Incident Controller’s message, Metro North has made the decision to postpone all non-urgent planned care for the next two weeks where it is clinically safe and appropriate to do so.  The postponement of planned care is required due to the demands of COVID-19 on our resources, including positive cases, fever clinic demand and vaccination services.

Planned care services that may be postponed include outpatient services and non-urgent elective procedures. All urgent planned care will proceed as normal and, where possible, other avenues for planned care may be considered.  This situation will be monitored closely and a further decision regarding recommencement will be provided on 14 January 2022.

Staff testing clinic
TPCH now has a dedicated Staff Only Fever Clinic located in Outpatients B (former Children’s Outpatients Department) on the Ground Floor opposite Lifts D. The Clinic’s current operating hours are 7am to 2pm, Monday to Friday.

Please note: This Clinic is open to all Metro North staff as well as family members. Family members must be from the staff member’s direct household and are to be accompanied by the staff member to access testing.

Over the weekend, TPCH staff requiring testing should visit TPCH public fever clinic between 7am and 8.30am for priority testing.

Ward changes
To accommodate the increasing number of COVID-19 positive patients requiring hospital admission, TPCH will relocate patients from Ward 1F to Ward 2C. This means TPCH now has four clinical areas supporting the care of COVID-19 patients – LACC Ward, Ward 1F, Ward 1G and Adult ICU.

Returning COVID-19 impacted staff to work
There are currently a number of TPCH furloughed, either because they are a close contact or because they are COVID-19 positive. To allow us to support impacted staff to return to the workplace in a targeted way, we ask that staff and/or line managers email the name and contact number of the relevant staff member/s to: TPCHContactTracing@health.qld.gov.au.

For any queries about COVID-19 related leave, please contact TPCH HR team on 3139 4841.

Fit testing
There is currently a high demand for fit testing at TPCH. Staff requiring a fit testing appointment can book online here. Staff waiting for a fit testing appointment should wear a P2/N95 mask and apply a fit check.

Working from home
With the current surge in positive COVID cases in the community, staff who are able to effectively perform their roles from home be supported to do so. This can occur if a staff member is deemed to be able to effectively perform the full scope of their role from home, with the stipulation that they can be called back to the workplace if required. Staff who wish to be considered for a work from home arrangement, must complete a flexible work arrangement form and submit to their line manager for review.
COVID-19 Working from Home request form

Supporting you 
If you need support or advice around the current situation, members of TPCH Executive Leadership Team and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) are available.

Phone Ext. 6127 or email EOC-TPCH@health.qld.gov.au for assistance.

Kind regards,
TPCH Executive Leadership Team 

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