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Health equity

2023-05-03T10:37:28+10:0027 April 2023|Managers Memo|

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment Resources

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment guide and resources now available online!

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment Guide outlines best practice recruitment principles to ensure culturally safe and appropriate measures are used when recruiting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Metro North Health.

You can access the guide and recruitment templates/resources here.

Message from Executive Director Sherry Holzapfel

In March we acknowledged National Close the Gap Day, an important and timely opportunity for each of us to reflect on how our teams work towards closing the health gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Across all directorates and facilities, our teams are committed to providing equity of access to high quality health care services and building relationships based on inclusion with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities. Metro North Health is striving to achieve life expectancy parity for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples through the Metro North Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025.

As a leader, you should be aware of the actions in the Health Equity Strategy and talk to your team about how your unit can contribute to the Key Performance Areas, whether you have direct patient contact or not.

To coincide with Close the Gap Day I was proud to launch the new nursing and midwifery scrubs across Metro North Health along with Alanna Geary, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer. and Chief Executive Jackie Hanson. Our nursing and midwifery teams are invited to visually display their support to working towards improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, their families, and the wider community. These can be ordered directly from the supplier, and please share this with your team.

Please encourage your staff members to join and support their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, consumers and community, in acknowledging the following dates as we continue on our journey of reconciliation together.

  • 26 May, National Sorry Day – National Sorry Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and share the journey towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities.
  • 27 May, 1967 Referendum – The 1967 Referendum was a landmark achievement following decades of activism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people, where more than 90 percent of Australians voted in favour of amending two sections of the Australian Constitution.
  • 27 May – 3 June, Reconciliation Week – National Reconciliation Week celebrations commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey-the anniversaries of the successful 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo Decision.

3 June, Mabo Day – On 3 June 1992, the High Court of Australia overturned the principle of “terra nullius” or “nobody’s land” as claimed by the British when they first arrived in this country. The decision has paved the way for Native Title legislation.

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