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Leadership resources

2023-05-03T10:02:50+10:0027 April 2023|Managers Memo|

Leadership articles

Three ways to build a sense of belonging at work

Do your teams feel fully accepted as members of the workplace? Here are three actions you can start doing in your team.

At Metro North, we have a dedicated focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives with a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team established within People and Culture late last year. We’ll keep you updated in future editions about what we’re doing in People and Culture, for all of Metro North.

Finding happiness for you and for your teams at work

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. It makes sense to try and enjoy it if you can. So, what can you do to be happier at work and reduce stress in the workplace?

Seven tips for finding happiness at work

Leadership April videos

You may have heard of Simon Sinek. Simon Sinek is a leadership expert and author of multiple best-sellers including “Leaders Eat Last”, “Start with Why”, and most recently, “The Infinite Game”.

He is also famous for his 2009 TED Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”, which remains the third most watched TED Talk of all time with nearly 50 million views. We’ve selected a few of Simon’s leadership videos below for your viewing:

HOW TO BE A GREAT LEADER – Motivational Speech By Simon Sinek – YouTube

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