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Children’s Nurse Unit Manager Michelle Hutch

2023-10-10T12:00:40+10:003 October 2023|Caring Together for 30 Years|

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I started here in 1993, very soon after the hospital opened.

It was scary. I was a newby and came here after doing one year at Redcliffe Hospital and one year at the Children’s Hospital. So it was daunting. The kids were really little and I was still finding my feet as a new Registered Nurse.

When I began, the Children’s Ward was on the fourth floor, where 4A is now.

Michelle Hutch, in 1993, working at Caboolture Hospital

Michelle Hutch at Caboolture Hospital in 1993

In those early years, I did my midwifery training and then worked in maternity here for several years.

In 2001, I had the opportunity to relieve as the temporary Children’s Ward NUM. When the role came up permanently, I applied and I was shocked when I actually got it. I’ve been in the role for 22 years now.

Caboolture Hospital is a lovely place to work. I have the best team ever and that’s what has kept me here.

You get to know everyone and you become part of the furniture. I enjoy my work and I wouldn’t go anywhere else. I’ll be here until I retire.

I love our patients and families and it’s always fun when people stop you in the community and say, “you delivered me 20 years ago” or “you cared for me when I was in the Children’s Ward”.

As we’ve cared for tens of thousands of babies and children over the years, I can’t always remember the specifics, but I’m always glad when they say that we helped them.

Michelle Hutch with daughter Kayte at Caboolture Hospital

Michelle Hutch with Kayte

Looking forward, I hope we continue to grow our services for the children of this community, who need the best health care so they can be healthy and reach their potential.

I’ve had two of my three kids here. All four of my grandchildren were born here. And now my daughter, Kayte, works here as a nurse.

I was surprised when Kayte said she wanted to be a nurse. We’ve always talked about my work at home and I figured she’d heard enough about the challenges to not be interested.

But I guess she heard all the good things, too. She’s very caring and she loves helping patients, so she makes a great nurse.

Have you got a story to share? Email ckw-engage@health.qld.gov.au.

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