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Katrina Cook: Nurse Manager – Elective Surgery Coordinator

2023-10-11T07:04:11+10:006 October 2023|Caring Together for 30 Years|

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I’ve been a nurse in Metro North Health for more than 15 years. I spent 11 years at Redcliffe Hospital before coming to Caboolture Hospital about four years ago.

Between work, home and sport, I have a few very different roles.

Katrina Cook, elective surgery coordinator at Caboolture Hospital, hold her competition woodchopping axe

Katrina Cook

At work, I am the elective surgery coordinator and I ensure all operations and
procedures are booked with doctors, theatre teams, and patients are ready
and prepared for their surgery dates.

At home, I’m a wife and mum of three kids.

And for sport, I’m a professional athlete in the sport of wood chopping.

I was introduced to it by my dad when I was 16 years old and have been competing ever since.

This sport has taken me all over Australia and to New Zealand, where I represented our country in the first Australian Women’s Woodchopping Team.

I’m currently ranked third in the Stihl Timbersports Women’s Championship.

What I love about woodchopping is that on any given day I can compete with my whole family.

My husband and kids all compete, and their grandfather, who has retired his axe, is always there to support us and cheer us on.

We have great friendships and a real sense of community in woodchopping, which is the same way I feel about Caboolture Hospital.

Katrina Cook of Caboolture Hospital competing in a chainsaw event

Katrina Cook of Caboolture Hospital competing in a wood chopping event

(Pictures of Katrina competing thanks to Stihl.)

Everyone says hello as you walk past, and I couldn’t ask for a better team here at Caboolture.

I feel very lucky that within my current role, I have that work life balance where I’m able to spend time with my family and to train at home and travel for competitions.

Woodchopping built a really strong passion in me from an early age and that has driven me in my nursing career as well. Both are all about community.

Have you got a story to share? Email ckw-engage@health.qld.gov.au.

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