Home/Newsletters/Caring Together Update/Now the garden isn’t the only thing that’s green!

Now the garden isn’t the only thing that’s green!

2022-10-28T09:26:18+10:0021 March 2022|Caring Together Update|
Kilcoy gardener Graeme Kuhn

Kilcoy Hospital gardener Graeme Kuhn with the rechargeable whipper snipper.

It’s been said that working outdoors keeps you fit and in a much healthier, clearer state of mind.

These are just a few of the reasons why Graeme Kuhn loves his job working outdoors.

Graeme has worked as the gardener at Kilcoy Hospital for 22 years.

He loves creating new garden beds around the hospital grounds and the reactions from staff, patients and visitors as they walk past the flowering hibiscus plants and catch a scene of the beautifully perfumed roses.

“Nothing like everything being green,” he said.

Metro North Health recently converted gardening equipment from petrol to rechargeable battery power across facilities, including Kilcoy Hospital.

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, the change means lighter equipment for the gardeners to handle and quieter green spaces for staff, patients and visitors to enjoy.

Graeme was pleasantly surprised about how well the new equipment performed compared to the petrol equivalents that he had used for many years.

Now the garden isn’t the only thing that’s green!

For more details, visit the Green Metro North Health Sustainability Strategy.

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