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Helping the wellbeing of pregnant women and new mums

2022-10-27T16:05:00+10:0027 June 2022|Caring Together Update|
Caboolture Hospital's Kristy Wright

Kristy Wright

Around three million Australians experience post-traumatic stress disorder at some stage in their lifetime.

For pregnant women and new mums, PTSD isn’t uncommon, but thankfully we have incredible social workers like Caboolture Hospital’s Kristy Wright who provides guidance and support to these women.

“I work in an antenatal setting and quite often see a lot of patients who already have PTSD diagnoses or who are showing signs of the condition,” Kristy said.

“A lot of women experience an increased level anxiety while pregnant and many won’t understand where it’s coming from or why their concerns are presenting in this way.

“My role is to support women who have had negative experiences in the past or who are demonstrating PTSD symptoms – the sooner we can meet these women and create a safe space for them to open up and feel comfortable, the better it is for mum and baby.”

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