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Red Rocket takes off at Caboolture Hospital

2021-09-06T09:07:46+10:006 September 2021|Caring Together Update|
Paul Eva and Red Rocket

Paul Eva driving the Red Rocket at Caboolture Hospital.

Forget Jeff Bezos’s space trip, we have our very own lift off! If you’ve been at Caboolture Hospital lately you might’ve spotted the brand-new Red Rocket blast past you ferrying patients and visitors around the hospital grounds.

While Neville was on leave in July, cheery Paul took the driver’s seat of this free patient shuttle and has been trying to beat Neville’s passenger record.

“It’s a snazzy vehicle, a real godsend! Especially for our older patients,” Paul said.

“We take patients right up to the hospital for their appointment, and even take them straight to their car when they’re ready to go home.

“My colleague Neville also drives the Rocket – I’m trying to beat his record for how many passengers he has on a day – it’s close to 100!”

Paul’s been told his smile and cheery voice helps to brighten people’s hospital visits! He’s loved driving the rocket and meeting all the lovely, grateful patients he’s helped along the way.

The Red Rocket is a free service operating from 7.30 am to 4.00 pm Mondays to Fridays. It’s worth noting any patients you might have accessing the shuttle that it does not run on public holidays, weekends, or after-hours. It is not for staff use.

It runs on a loop service which includes five destination points: the main entry, specialist outpatients, emergency entry, community health, and mental health ward 2.

Due to safety concerns, the shuttle bus cannot be hailed by a potential passenger between designated stops.

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