Running with a cause

2021-09-06T09:10:27+10:006 September 2021|Caring Together Update|
Michelle Carter Mangan

Redcliffe-Caboolture Mental Health senior social worker Michelle Carter-Mangan.

Meet Redcliffe-Caboolture Mental Health senior social worker Michelle, who’s running a half marathon almost every fortnight to raise awareness and funds for those sleeping rough.

That’s 21 half marathons in 2021!

“A quarter of patients admitted for mental health reasons across our faculties are homeless prior to admission and are often facing homelessness again when discharged from hospital,” Michelle said.

“Those suffering mental health issues are more vulnerable to homelessness and this can exacerbate further mental health issues and deterioration of wellbeing.

“I’m running to raise money for swags for those most in need – it’s by no means the solution, but it’s something I can do to keep someone safe, dry and warm as they sleep.

“Even though I feel uncomfortable on my run I know at the end of it I can go home to my house, have a warm shower and climb into bed.

“These people can’t escape their discomfort and that’s what drives me while I’m running.”

We’re proud of you, Michelle!

Support Michelle’s goal and help provide swags to those in need.

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