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Study makes positive difference in the workplace

2022-10-28T08:22:28+10:0012 May 2022|Caring Together Update|
Senior Health Information Manager Leonie Beakey

Caboolture Hospital’s Senior Health Information Manager Leonie Beakey

Caboolture Hospital’s Senior Health Information Manager Leonie Beakey is using knowledge gained through study to make a positive difference in the workplace.

Leonie recently completed her Graduate Certificate in Health Services Innovation through the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI).

Run by the Queensland University of Technology, the Metro North-supported course aims to enable clinicians, administrators, and operational staff to develop, implement, and evaluate innovations within their own healthcare settings.

As part of the two-year course, Leonie pitched ideas on how to improve her workplace with her final project focused on developing evidence-based practice for her coding teams, using qualitative research and the frameworks learnt within the course.

“It was a whole new language to learn and was amazing to see the positive growth that can happen for myself and by extension, my team,” Leonie said.

“We identified what we wanted to achieve and tested different ways to determine what worked.

“Part of the process was to take a specific context, break it down to its generic components and apply the frameworks and strategies to get a better outcome.

“We’ve kept the changes that proved worthwhile and that has contributed to increased performance.”

Since completing the course, opportunities for more knowledge and learning have not stopped for Leonie with a reflective piece on her experience peer reviewed and accepted for publication in the Health Information Management Journal of Australia.

“Committing to the Grad Cert made me spend the time on self-improvement,” Leonie said.

“I am proud that I committed to it and made the most of it.

“There is so much change and uncertainty, this course will help us to read the landscape whilst constantly evaluating and improving.

“Many of the course components were very practical and the environment was great. I felt supported and was able to learn from other students taking the course.”

Leonie has also joined the Metro North Knowledge, Translation, Innovation, and Implementation Hub (The Hub) planning group. Congratulations, Leonie!

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