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Mental Health E Floor Garden Project – MNMH RBWH

2022-11-24T09:12:46+10:005 October 2022|Mental Health Bulletin, Newsletters|

Mental Health E Floor Garden ProjectMental Health E Floor Garden ProjectMental Health E Floor Garden ProjectThe Mental Health Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Team would like to share the outcome of the “Sit-down – Rest – Stay Garden” on the Mental Health E Floor.

Our team was successful in obtaining a grant through the Foundation. We wanted to produce something bright, colourful, fun and which represented who we are here at the Mental Health Centre – a community of hard-working staff members and patients representing many different cultures across the world and many individual stories. Our garden reflects our diverse workforce and the LGBTIQIP consumers who we care for.

The space aims to create feelings of joy, calm, distraction and happiness. We represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers with our yarning circle and beautiful native animals.

The garden is based on beehives and all those that work in the garden community including ladybugs, butterflies, ants, and dragonflies.

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