News in brief

2022-10-28T08:07:59+10:0021 May 2022|Newsletters, Mental Health Bulletin|
The Wellness Room was decorated with some amazing artwork made by consumers in the Neami Art Group.

The Wellness Room was decorated with some amazing artwork made by consumers in the Neami Art Group.

Harmony Week

Throughout Harmony Week 2022, our multicultural mental health coordinators and artist in residence facilitated a roving art project, One Billion Stars to End Violence, to start conversations and weave together the different aspects of our communities and cultures. Visit the website for more information about this project.

Many of our teams across Metro North held their own Harmony Day morning tea events.

At MNMH-TPCH, our clinical assistants organised a harmony themed tea party, with a fun quiz for the patients to join in on.

The Wellness Room was decorated with some amazing artwork made by consumers in the Neami Art Group.

Don’t miss a great opportunity to get additional quit support for consumers. Just complete the Quit Smoking Program – Community Mental Health referral form to help a consumer who smokes today!

Don’t miss a great opportunity to get additional quit support for consumers. Just complete the Quit Smoking Program – Community Mental Health referral form to help a consumer who smokes today!

Quit support for free – refer!

We know mental health consumers need more support to help quit smoking. Queensland community mental health services have access to a Quitline program that includes four support calls and 12 weeks offree nicotine replacement therapy. We know consumers referred to this program have quit rates much better than going ‘cold turkey’.

Don’t miss a great opportunity to get additional quit support for consumers. Just complete the Quit Smoking Program – Community Mental Health referral form to help a consumer who smokes today!

Staff compliments

The staff are absolutely awesome, friendly, very kind and very generous of their time. Thank you to all the staff that helped me. Thank you again. (Caboolture Short Stay Unit)

The staff all doctors and nurses are the best I have ever seen there was so helpful and respectful. (East Wing TPCH)

I just rang a 1800 number and within moments I was getting support; no answering machine filtering, no waiting. It was a revelation compared to my usual experience of phone-based services (Adis)

Very happy with amount of help and advice I received and happy with advice-encouraged to help myself and to ask for any help (Biala Acute Care Service)

Hospital treated me so well with medication and mental support that I improved there very well….After hospitalisation and support by lifestyle and I don’t remember the organisation’s name they givens me a big help that I got discharged and cured so well……Right now I am getting a regular treatment from my psychiatrist and doing well. I am working as a personal care worker in an aged care facility which is very reputable. I am in this profession from last 4 years and doing well because of the inspiration that I got in hospital of caring….. My life is going very smoothly and happily. That’s all credit goes to the team who’s behind my treatment in RBWH.  As long as I live I will always thankful to you (Southern team RBWH)

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