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CAHLRI Award Winner Announced

2021-11-17T10:38:23+10:0017 November 2021|Mental Health Bulletin|

The Collaborative for Allied Health Research, Learning and Innovation (CAHRLI) has supported Metro North Mental Health to recognise Allied Health led research, learning or innovation within our Directorate. We called for nominations in September 2021 and we are pleased to announce Catriona Harwood as the winner. Congratulations Cat!

Cat was recognised for her work as the Restorative Practice Lead and Senior Social Worker and her innovative project to introduce and embed restorative practice in mental health services at the Prince Charles Hospital. Cat has worked tirelessly and passionately to facilitate the implementation of Restorative Practice (RP) in close collaboration with staff from SMHRU and the Nundah Mental Health Team.

As part of her project Cat has:

  • tailored and coordinated training for over 70 staff and stakeholders delivered by an external RP expert
  • provided ongoing mentoring of staff, consumers, and other key stakeholders to build skills and confidence in using RP interventions
  • developed posters, videos, flyers, and a training manual
  • convened monthly operational implementation meetings and supported Steering Committee and Evaluation Group meetings
  • consulted on implementation documents, literature review, forms, and processes
  • received referrals and support staff to convene Restorative Circles
  • progressed referrals for formal and informal RP Meetings

In accepting the award Cat was very quick to highlight this project is a team effort and there are many people involved in supporting this innovative work. That said, we are very pleased to be able to recognise Cat for her continuous hard work over the last two and a half years promoting the use of Restorative Practice in mental health. Cat received an award valued at $500 which can be used to support a professional development activity such as conference attendance.

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