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Supporting World Evidence Based Healthcare Day

2022-11-30T06:53:14+10:0029 November 2022|News @ the Royal|
World Evidence based healthcare day

RBWH Acting Executive Director Gillian Nasato (R) joined Champika Pattullo (L) with a special Brief the Boss visit to celebrate World Evidence Based Healthcare Day.

On the 20 October, RBWH celebrated World Evidence Based Healthcare Day with coffee and cake for all staff who attended the event held on the level two walkway.

Staff were encouraged to share their experiences and collective wisdom around the formation, development, maintenance, evaluation and outcomes of partnerships in evidence-based heathcare as part of the 2022 theme – partnerships for purpose.

RBWH Assistant Director (Innovation and Implementation), Safety and Implementation Service Champika Pattullo said she is passionate about showcasing the importance of evidence-based healthcare to RBWH staff.

“Evidence-based healthcare is the provision of care that is based on the best available evidence, patient preferences, and clinical expertise. It is the gold standard of care but unfortunately it is not always provided. I want to help change this,” Ms Pattullo said.

“While we want to provide the best healthcare for all of our patients all of the time. The literature shows that currently only 60 per cent of care is evidence based. From a patient perspective, this means that care may be of be of little or no benefit, and potentially cause harm. From a healthcare provider perspective, it reduces our capacity to provide high benefit care and can be costly.

“We need to identify where we provide low benefit care and use evidence-based approaches such as Implementation Science to bridge the gap between the evidence and practice.

“I encourage you and your teams to come and talk to my team either in person or via email if you’d like to know more about implementing evidence-based healthcare in your clinical area.”

If you would like to share your thoughts, please fill out the World Evidence Based Healthcare survey.

Champika Pattullo can be contacted via email: champika.pattullo@health.qld.gov.au

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