Humans of Herston

2021-07-14T11:22:19+10:0014 July 2021|News @ the Royal|

Bahar Najafi

This month, the RBWH Shadow Council chatted with Digital Metro North Software Developer Bahar Najafi to find out what makes her tick! Bahar is just one of the amazing Digital Metro North team who helps develop, implement, and maintain digital systems for RBWH and across Metro North. If you see Bahar around, make sure you say hi. 

What motivates you to work hard?

Knowing that the work I do directly impacts patient care. My technical skills help doctors, nurses and ward admin staff to be more flexible and handle their high workloads, which motivates me to work harder.

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What is your favourite joke or quote?

“Love every moment, laugh every day and live beyond words.” I have it in my home, so I don’t forget to live by these words.

When did you last ask someone if they are ok?

Yesterday, I asked my sister and colleague if they were ok.

My colleague was tired, and my sister was dealing with some personal challenges which I am supporting her with.

What are you most proud of in life?

My resilience – I never give up. Eventually I will always succeed, and I am not afraid of trying something totally new.

What job did you want when you were growing up?

I loved and still love dancing. In my culture this wasn’t an option as a career. University and IT was the path.

In December 2020, I started my own skin care business. I am now a part time skin care consultant. This gives me a softer side – a far cry away from IT and software development.

What is your favourite childhood memory?

Often on weekends when I was younger, we would have a day trip to my uncle’s house. It was two hours away. We would swim in the pool, pick fresh fruit and I would spend the day with my cousins.

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