Odyssey is here!

2023-06-12T11:33:07+10:006 June 2023|News @ the Royal|
RBWH Odyssey Reform Program video graphic

Click on the image to view the latest Odyssey update

The RBWH Odyssey Reform Program is here, and all RBWH staff members have a role to play.

Odyssey aims to reduce the long patient journey from one place to another through a range of new processes and cultural reform. The objective of the program is to improve the healthcare experience RBWH provides to patients who require elective and emergent care by addressing process delays through improved staff and patient experience.

The program is aligned with RBWH’s Quadruple Aim, which prioritises better care, better patient and staff experience, and improved financial performance.

Ahead of the program launch, a whole-of-hospital diagnostic exercise was undertaken to better understand what patients are waiting for and to find where the roadblocks are. The diagnostic identified a range of recommendations to support improved access to care and armed with this information, the Odyssey Reform Program was developed.

There will be four key focus streams including ETC, whole of hospital, mental health and, governance and operations.

RBWH Director Patient Flow Services Gareth Davies said the launch of the Odyssey program is an exciting milestone for RBWH which is supported by all service line and professional leads.

“We have more than 7000 experts at the hospital who are integral to understanding the challenges, working through solutions, and implementing new ways of working,” Gareth said.

“Over the next 12 months, the Odyssey team will be supporting all areas of the hospital to implement a range of processes aimed at improving the experience for both patients and staff.

“The program is not just about efficiency, but about providing better care for patients.

“We are currently making our way around the hospital to introduce ourselves to teams throughout RBWH and to provide information on the first steps for your work area. At the end of each phase, we will work with teams to evaluate the success and make improvements for the next phase.

“We need all staff to be on board with the program for it to succeed and look forward to working with you all.”

Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

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