R U OK? Day

2022-10-27T14:05:51+10:0014 October 2022|News @ the Royal|

Queensland Health Acting Director-General Shaun Drummond and Chief Operating Officer Dr David Rosengren got involved with RBWH’s R U OK? Day celebrations.

On the 8 September, RBWH turned yellow for R U OK? Day. R U OK? Day is the R U OK? Foundation’s national day of action where they remind Australian’s that every day is the day to ask ‘are you ok?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.

Many individual teams took the opportunity to host a morning tea or lunch in their work areas, and staff from across the hospital sported their R U OK? merchandise.

Queensland Health’s Acting Director-General Shaun Drummond and Chief Operating Officer Dr David Rosengren even dropped by to be part of the action.

To find out more about R U OK?, visit their website.

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