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Biala puts the sparkle in World Pride

2023-04-04T15:32:59+10:0031 March 2023|News @ the Royal|
The Biala team loved celebrating World Pride

The Biala team loved celebrating World Pride!

In late February, Metro North Sexual Health and HIV Service (Biala) donned their most colourful outfits and sparkles for World Pride 2023.

World Pride supports the global celebration and elevation of the LGBTIQA+ community and acknowledges the amazing energy that the festivity of Pride events brings to the whole of society.

The team baked and cooked an array of treats for morning teas and lunches, held a rainbow colour shirts day and accessorised daily! Team members Emma and Lizzie were appointed by their colleagues as the decoration coordinators and brought colour and pizzazz to their work area.

Sexual Health and HIV Services Clinical Nurse Emma Knowland said as a service that provides care for many people that identify within these communities, it is important for the Biala team to role model acceptance and inclusion of all LGBTIQA+ identifying folk.

“World Pride is an opportunity to acknowledge our team, our clients and the advocates that work directly and indirectly in these spaces with us,” said Emma.

“The Biala team is made up of LBGTIQA+ community members, allies and supporters, so we were all too keen to bring some pride to our workplace!”

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