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Spotlight on: Touchpoint cleaners

2020-08-19T16:53:47+10:0019 August 2020|News @ the Royal|

There’s no doubt that over the past six months you would have seen our incredible touchpoint cleaning team around the hospital keeping everything sparkling clean and COVID-safe! Not only have they been playing a vital role in infection control, but they’ve been doing so with a smile on their face and some friendly banter. We sat down with PSO and touchpoint cleaner Deb Connor to find out what she loves most about her job.

Deb Connor

RBWH touchpoint cleaner Deb Connor

What drew you to your role at RBWH?

My career to date has been varied, which I love. I’ve worked as an advertising executive for Channel Nine, a teacher’s aid and now here! I initially applied for the job because it provides me with work/life balance so I can be there for my young family, but have continued in the role for the love of it.

What has it been like working in such a vital role during a global pandemic?

It’s been so rewarding to be able to put my hand up and help out during a crisis. As a team, we all had a shared vision we were working towards which kept us motivated. I loved being able to continue to come to work during lockdown – it kept me distracted from what was happening across the rest of the world.

What’s your favourite part about your job?

Definitely the people. From the day I walked through the door, my manager Gordon has shown me the ropes and been patient, kind and professional leader for the entire team. I also love being at the entrances providing hand sanitiser to staff entering and exiting the hospital. It’s a nice opportunity for me to interact with people I see around a lot but haven’t had a chance to talk to before.

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