Staff profile

2023-06-30T15:21:38+10:0030 June 2023|STARS Gazer|

Jemima Readford, STARS physiotherapistMeet Jemima Readford, STARS physiotherapist

How long have you worked in physiotherapy?

8 years.

What does a day in the role as a physiotherapist at STARS look like?

Every day is a little different – all focused on what we can do with our patients. It can range from a running a balance class, getting a patient up and moving for their first steps, setting up a wheelchair, completing an interprofessional session with Occupational Therapy and Speech, developing therapy programs and sometimes even just sitting and listening to a patient’s story.

We facilitate and provide training and education, complete paperwork like NDIS and FIMS, support and lead discharge planning. One of the best parts is being able to share in the patient’s journey – the good news, the outcomes, the transition period for families and patients and being a part of solutions as well as exploring new and innovative ways to support their wants and needs.

What is special/unique about working as a physiotherapist at STARS?

The option to always do things a new or different way. The patient being the centre of solutions and the true approach to interprofessional practice. Mostly it is the way we celebrate the wins of the week – every week!

What is the best advice you can give to someone starting their career?

Your limitations are your patient’s limitations.

Fun fact about yourself that staff may not know?

I’m a pretty open book, though I’m pretty good at table tennis.

Favourite holiday experience?

Hard to say but my top three are:

  • Croatia in the summertime
  • Bosnia – going for hikes and whitewater rafting
  • Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival in Scotland – nothing like a good laugh!

What are you looking forward to this year?

My upcoming holiday in Europe and completing the Gold Coast half-marathon.

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