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Message from the Acting Director of Nursing

2021-07-21T11:10:25+10:0021 July 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|
Sue Bullock, A/Director of Nursing, The Prince Charles Hospital

Sue Bullock

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the 30 new nursing staff who commenced at TPCH in June. We look forward to supporting them as they embark on an exciting new career at TPCH and within Metro North. 

Congratulations to Kevin Clark on his recent appointment to the position of Nursing Director, Internal Medicine Service (IMS). Kevin has worked for many years at TPCH and across Metro North as the Nursing Director, Internal Medicine Stream. Kevin brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in acute and sub-acute internal medicine services and innovations. Please join with us in congratulating Kevin on his appointment.

TPCH’s Vaccination Clinics have been extremely busy over the last month with over 500 vaccinations being administered each day at its peak. TPCH Fever Clinic also ramped up, recording steady presentations daily. A big thank you to all the staff in both these clinics for their hard work and commitment to keeping our community safe.

This month we celebrated NAIDOC Week with a variety of virtual activities across Metro North. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions at the time, TPCH was unable to host its planned schedule of activities so we look forward to hosting these at a later time.

I would also like to thank each and every individual nurse for their willingness to go above and beyond during this period of high patient presentations across Metro North. Your commitment is greatly valued and helps ensure that the hospital can continue to provide high quality, safe care to our patients.

Sue Bullock
A/Director of Nursing
The Prince Charles Hospital

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