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Message from the Executive Director Allied Health

2021-11-23T10:40:03+10:0023 November 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|

Ewan Kinnear

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new Health Practitioner staff that have commenced over the past few months. We look forward to supporting you as you establish your career within TPCH and the wider Metro North framework.

During Charlie’s Week, I was involved in the staff length of service awards. There were so many staff involved from so many professions. It was exciting, and I was so pleased to have been part of the event recognising so many years of valued service and commitment.

My congratulations also go to our TPCH Staff Excellence Award winners:

Rising Star of Research: Dr Peter Lazzarini, Allied Health Research Collaborative

Outstanding Performance: Erin Dunn, Pharmacy Department

Clinical Excellence: Highly Commended – Paul Maplethorpe, Social Work

Values in Action: Jenna Stonestreet, Nutrition and Dietetics (Integrity)

Thank you all for your ongoing drive, commitment, and professionalism.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

Ewan Kinnear
Executive Director Allied Health
The Prince Charles Hospital

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