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SMHRU celebrates 20 years

2021-01-18T14:51:14+10:0018 January 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|
SMHRU team at TPCH

Staff and clients of the Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit and TPCH celebrate at the 20th anniversary event.

TPCH’s Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit (SMHRU) recently marked a major milestone when it celebrated its 20th anniversary with a special event attended by staff and clients of the unit.

SMHRU, which originally opened as the Extended Care Unit, is designed to support patients experiencing persistent and disabling symptoms of mental illness who cannot be adequately supported in other inpatient or community settings.

The 20-bedroom unit provides a modern secure environment for clients who are supported by a multidisciplinary of team of doctors, nurses, allied health clinicians, peer support workers and non-clinical support staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Clients of SMHRU are generally long-term and require ongoing clinical treatment and support as part of their rehabilitation. Clients have access to a range of non-clinical programs and activities such as capacity and skill building programs, restorative justice, psychoeducation including drug and alcohol, family inclusive practice as well as BBQs, sporting activities, talent shows and special events such as NAIDOC Week and RUOK? Day.  All these activities play an important role in their overall wellbeing.

TPCH Mental Health Operations Director Dr Senthil Muthuswamy said that SMHRU is a unique service that provides essential support to individuals living with mental health concerns.

“The long-term rehabilitation of clients with significant mental health issues is a very specialised area. It requires a dedicated and experienced team of compassionate staff who understand the needs of this challenging client group,” Senthil said.

“I would like to congratulate and recognise all the staff of SMHRU who have played a role in supporting clients through their rehabilitation, and helped them achieve a better quality of life over the last 20 years.”

SMHRU’s 20th anniversary event included some special musical performances by clients of the unit, a photo presentation, staff speeches and a BBQ lunch.

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