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Message from the Executive Director

2021-04-16T16:20:19+10:0016 April 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|

Tami Photinos Executive Director The Prince Charles Hospital

Welcome to TPCH’s April staff newsletter. I am keen to keep staff well informed about all of the important activities and events planned for our hospital this year including some the great initiatives featured in this month’s newsletter.

I value staff input and feedback about our current workplace and want to make sure that we are giving staff the information they want and need to be able to do their jobs well. Our Executive team are keen to hear from staff about important workplace issues and topics, so we have commenced our weekly walkarounds to local work areas throughout the hospital to touch base with staff.

These walkarounds are initially replacing our regular staff forums and will also help us understand what methods of communication work best for TPCH staff moving forward. The Executive team always welcome suggestions on how to improve workplace culture, so if you have any ideas or feedback, please email them to our TPCH Culture Council at: TPCH_CorporateServices@health.qld.gov.au

Also, the ‘Have Your Say’ staff engagement and culture survey will be held again in May 2021 so watch this space. Happy reading!

Tami Photinos
Executive Director
The Prince Charles Hospital

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