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Message from the Executive Director

2021-07-21T11:07:49+10:0021 July 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|
Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

Tami Photinos

Welcome to the July edition of TPCH’s Staff Newsletter.

Celebrating the achievements and work of our staff is an essential part of hospital life, particularly in the current environment, where we are constantly busy and responding to the changing demands on our services.

This newsletter is an opportunity to highlight the wonderful work our staff do each day, which makes TPCH the first-class health care organisation it is.

The longer I work at TPCH, the prouder I become of our team and the important work that we do for our patients and community.

Enjoy the read!

Please note: the photos in this newsletter were taken before the commencement of the mandatory mask wearing period.

Tami Photinos
Executive Director
The Prince Charles Hospital

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