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TPCH kicks off vaccine rollout

2021-04-16T11:04:33+10:0016 April 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|
David Reid

Staff Specialist Thoracic Medicine Dr David Reid receives his vaccination from Infection Control Clinical Nurse Kate Allen.

TPCH’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout kicked off last month with around 500 staff receiving their vaccination during the first week.

Staff who received the vaccine were part of the Phase 1a cohort, which included high priority frontline workers and partners such as Queensland Police Service and Queensland Ambulance Service.

TPCH’s local rollout, currently occurring from dedicated areas within the Education Centre, follows the commencement of Metro North’s COVID-19 vaccination program at STARS earlier this month.

Staff Specialist Thoracic Medicine Dr David Reid was one of the first staff members to get the vaccine at TPCH.

David, who works with patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) said he was excited and relieved to get the vaccine.

“Most of my family live in the UK and some have had COVID-19,” Dr Reid said.

“Because I’m involved with patients with CF, it’s very important for me and others to do what we can to keep everyone safe.”

TPCH has commenced bookings by appointment only, for high priority Phase 1b staff which includes remaining healthcare workers, as well as critical and high-risk workers. Appointments can be made by using the QR Code which has been distributed to all TPCH department heads.

Phase 1b vaccinations formally started in earnest at TPCH from Tuesday 6 April – this will see the
large-scale vaccination of all staff and high-risk patients.

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