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Message from the Executive Director

2021-11-23T10:42:01+10:0023 November 2021|The TPCH Newsletter|
Tami Photinos, Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital

Tami Photinos

As we inch closer towards the end of the year, it’s important we remember to stop and reflect on everything we’ve achieved over the last few months.

This edition of the newsletter showcases the good work that is happening across our hospital and the great people we work with.

While a lot of our work continues to focus on COVID-19 and the vaccination rollout, we have still delivered excellent services for our patients in other areas. We also continue to improve our workplace culture.

You should all be proud of the work you’ve delivered over the last few months, some of which is highlighted in these stories.

Enjoy the newsletter.

Tami Photinos
Executive Director
The Prince Charles Hospital

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