RBWH Staff Council update

2023-11-09T09:21:45+10:003 November 2023|Staff Council Messages, RBWH Staff Council|

DR PAUL KUBLER - Co-chair RBWH Staff Council

Dr Paul Kubler, Deputy Chair, RBWH Staff Council

LIZ BENNETT - Co-chair RBWH Staff Council

Liz Bennett, Chair, RBWH Staff Council

Staff Council Welcome our newest members

Justin Azzopardi – Anaesthetics Registrar

Sheila Gowlett – Senior Social Worker, Mental Health

Erin Crofton – Trauma Team Leader, Occupational Therapy

Thank you for the recent feedback about the various initiatives Staff Council has been involved in.

We have partnered with Team Royal to display our furry friends on a Pet Wall located at the staff entry of the Ned Hanlon Building, near the Staff Council Office.  Photos will also be displayed electronically in the atrium during the holiday season.

If you would like your pets to be included on the wall, please send your photo to: RBWH-CC-Secretariat@health.qld.gov.au.

RBWH has got Talent

Voting opens on 13 November and closes on 30 November 2023.  Be sure to cast your vote via the RBWH Has Got Talent QHEPS page.

The winner will be decided by YOU!

Please join us on 6 December at 7am for the open RBWH Staff Council meeting in the Education Centre as we would value your contribution. Please contact us if you would like an item added to the agenda.

Departmental visits to support staff

We understand that the results of the Have Your Say Survey have now been widely disseminated and we are keen to link with you. Please reach out if you would like us to attend your team meeting.

The council is here to support and accelerate your feedback. This can be done in person, email or via the QR code below.

Recent times nationally and internationally have been very challenging for all of us — it is important to know where your supports are and demonstrate kindness and understanding within our workplaces.

Please refer to QHEPS for the Metro North Staff Wellness support available to all staff as well as our Peer Responders, and Staff Health and Wellbeing officer here at RBWH.

A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world a better place we so passionately dreamt of.  Nelson Mandela

Look after yourselves,

Liz, Paul and Clare
Chairs of the Staff and Shadow Councils

Web page: Staff Council | RBWH (health.qld.gov.au)
Email: RBWH-CC-Secretariat@health.qld.gov.au
Phone: 3647 0720

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