RBWH Staff Council update

2023-12-14T09:03:44+10:0011 December 2023|Staff Council Messages, RBWH Staff Council|

DR PAUL KUBLER - Co-chair RBWH Staff Council

Dr Paul Kubler, Deputy Chair, RBWH Staff Council

LIZ BENNETT - Co-chair RBWH Staff Council

Liz Bennett, Chair, RBWH Staff Council

It’s hard to believe the year is almost over, and what a year it has been! From a Staff Council perspective, we’re so grateful to all RBWH staff for your hard work throughout the year, your tenacity in addressing challenges, and for bringing so much joy and enthusiasm to work.

RBWH Has Got Talent

We’d like to extend a big thanks to everyone who entered the competition this year!

The winners are:

  • 1st place went to 7B North AIN Lilibeth Hullock, – Never Never Never
  • 2nd place went to the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine – Time of your life (BLS)
  • 3rd place went to 9A GE – We’ll Scope you now.

To quote her NUM, “Lilibeth is a valued AIN in 7B North Neurology Stroke unit. Lilibeth is well loved across internal medicine and her passion for patient care is equally matched to her love for singing”. Congratulations Lilibeth.

The Shadow Council are behind this initiative and collated the whole event, so we would like to extend a big thanks to the team. However, the real stars are you! Thanks to all the staff who got involved in the competition.

You can view all entries on the Staff Council webpage.

Kelvin Grove State College

Kelvin Grove State College students have handmade and donated material wreaths and Christmas cards to the hospital as a thank you to our staff for keeping the community safe. We value this relationship with the school and hope you have had the privilege of viewing the amazing works they have donated to the RBWH staff and patients.

Departmental visits to support staff

We understand that the results of the Have Your Say Survey have now been widely disseminated and we are keen to link with you. Please reach out if you would like us to attend your team meeting by visiting us in the Staff Council office or emailing us.

Thank you Dr Paul Kubler

Paul has been a member of the RBWH Staff Council since March 2019 and we would like to thank him for his time as Deputy Chair. We welcome Jennifer Nancarrow as Deputy Chair in 2024. Paul has agreed to remain on the Council for a bit longer and we genuinely appreciate this. Thank you Paul for all your hard work, dedication and time. You are an absolute asset to the Council.

We wish you peace, joy and prosperity for 2024 and hope you enjoy life’s little pleasures at this time of year. Please remember that the festive season can be a challenging time for some people and can be very lonely. Please know there is support available and reach out if you require assistance. You can find details of the supports available on the Staff Wellness QHEPS page. We also have our invaluable Staff Wellbeing Officer, Staff Psychologist and Peer responders available within RBWH, as well as various resources on the Health Body and Mind Hub.

Look after yourselves!

Liz, Paul and Clare
Chairs of the Staff and Shadow Councils

Web page: Staff Council | RBWH (health.qld.gov.au)
Email: RBWH-CC-Secretariat@health.qld.gov.au
Phone: 3647 0720

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