STARS Staff Council update

2023-06-22T22:05:53+10:0021 June 2023|Staff Council Messages, STARS Staff council|

Alana Paviour - Co-chair STARS Staff Council

Alana Paviour, Co-chair STARS Staff Council

Kristiana McFarlane - Co-chair STARS Staff Council

Kristiana McFarlane, Co-chair STARS Staff Council

New members

This year we’ve had several new members join our STARS Staff Council. Please welcome Anna Hallett (Deputy Director of Anaesthetics), Nathalie Baker (Medical Workforce Coordinator), and Ben Frost (Administration Officer).

It is great to have a broad representation from so many different work areas within STARS, and from different professions. Look out for Staff Council profiles in the future, appearing in Staff Bulletins and on the digital screens near the lifts.

STARS Celebration Day

It was great to see everyone turn out for our STARS Celebration Day on Friday 19 May. Staff enjoyed a free staff breakfast and morning tea celebration, served by the Staff Council and the STARS Executive team, and sponsored by QSuper. Thank you to all the staff who helped in some way on the day, whether it was helping with the set-up, serving breakfast or ensuring the day went smoothly. It was a wonderful opportunity for staff to take time to reflect on all that STARS has achieved since opening in 2021.

We also had our first STARS trivia quiz with a mix of historical, clinical and picture questions. Congratulations to Caitlin Merz (Pharmacy), Daniel Carlyle (6A) and Brooke Rankin, (Rehab Engineering) for their three way-tie for first place, David Chang (6A) who came in second and Alison Pickering and Beatrice Smith (IMPS) and Lillian Emery (Pharmacy) for sharing third place. Prizes for our trivia winners included vouchers from our Level 3 retailers, which were supported by the Staff Council and Sushi Yado.

STARS Staff Council Meet members Natalie Baker and Kiran PaulMeet and Greets

The Staff Council continue to hold monthly Meet and Greets (with some tasty, sweet treats) to inform staff about the Staff Council’s role at STARS and how they can provide feedback. Staff Council members Kiran Paul and Nathalie Baker set up the May Meet and Greet, giving out sweet treats and giving staff the chance to tell us their two wishes and a star. Keep an eye out for our next Meet and Greet in the coming weeks.

Winter warmer

Look out for a warm sweet treat coming to your staff rooms soon, courtesy of the Staff Council.

Feedback received from staff

We’ve received some lovely feedback from STARS staff recently which we wanted to share with you.

  • A great environment, the people here care about each other and the environment
  • I love that we are so eco-friendly
  • It feels like we are all genuinely part of a team
  • The culture!! Everyone knows everyone
  • Good culture of continual improvement
  • Excellent colleagues
  • Great AH leadership
  • Great ‘family’ feeling to the staff.

The feedback we receive from staff is so valuable. If you would like to share some feedback or suggestions, you can do so via our feedback form.

You spoke we listened

Below is feedback provided to the Staff Council from staff members and the corresponding action that the Council facilitated:

There is no place/facility within STARS for patients and their visiting families to charge their phones.

Staff Council have advocated for phone chargers to be placed in all of the ambulatory reception areas, main reception, and all of the inpatient ward reception areas – thank you for our Facilities team for helping this come to fruition.

Kind regards,

Alana Paviour and Kristiana McFarlane.

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