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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2023-05-23T16:00:33+10:0012 May 2023|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Louise O'Riordan A/Executive Director Redcliffe Hospital

Louise O’Riordan, Acting Executive Director

Today’s award ceremony in the Education Centre was the highlight of our celebrations for International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day.

Congratulations to Michele Clarke on being named our Nurse of the Year and to Katherine Ross our Midwife of the Year.

Among the other awards presented were:

  • Excellence in Teamwork: Freya Huebler
  • Excellence in Strengthening a Patient Safety Culture: Merryn Valcovich
  • Excellence in Education, Training, Research and Innovation: Neita Furber
  • Excellence in Clinical Practice: Aaron Platz.

Redcliffe Hospital quality improvement poster competition displayAlso announced at those awards were the winners of the quality improvement poster competition. This year there were 36 posters entered, each highlighting how nurses and midwives are improving the patient experience and safety of our care.

Congratulations to the People’s Choice winner Sheree Vanderwerf with the poster Elevated PSA referral streamlined protocol. Congratulations also to the Director of Nursing and Midwifery’s Choice winner, Tamara Benedict and Trina Baxter, with the Newborn Bloodspot Test poster.

Alanna Geary, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, visits Redcliffe HospitalBattle of the Service Lines is over for another year too, with the Director of Nursing and Midwifery Service’s team recognised as the winner after an entertaining and informative series of debates over the past week.

This week we also welcomed Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Alanna Geary, who visited with our nurses and midwives – sharing their experiences and encouraging staff to support Raise it for Redcliffe initiatives funding nursing and midwifery research.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us celebrate this year – and thank you again to all of our nurses and midwives. We say thank you to show our appreciation.

Making it count – tip of the week

Making it count graphicThere’s never been a more important time for us to count and capture every bit of patient care activity. Our Health Information Services team have another tip this week to help:

Adhesions?  Document the cause!

Examples:    ​Adhesions due to previous surgery. Adhesions due to disease. Adhesions – congenital.

To find out more about why accurate records as essential – talk to Health Information Services on 3883 7295.

Redcliffe Hospital carparkCar park courtesy

When it comes to car parking, most staff are doing the right thing. However, I would like to ask that handful of staff parking in open-air car spaces closest to the hospital to leave these spaces for our patients. For most staff, the multi-storey car park is the best place to park each day, with plenty of spaces available.

More information about car parking options for staff is available on QHEPS, and If you have any questions, please talk to our car parking team.

Accessing the Virtual ED

Metro North Health Virtual ED graphicThe Virtual ED is an alternative emergency care pathway for those who need urgent care but are not experiencing a life-threatening emergency. It’s a state-wide service run by Metro North Heath, available seven days a week from 8am to 10pm.

Earlier this month, my family accessed the Virtual ED for the first time. Our experience using the service was fantastic, and I know several hospital staff have also had good experiences using it.

The Virtual ED is another way Metro North is providing patients and families on the Peninsula with options and alternatives that will help reduce pressure on our hospital’s emergency department this winter.

We are stronger when we work together.


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