What is: Contract Management and Procurement
When goods and services are procured from outside Metro North Health, public money is being spent and you have to follow strict policies and procedures. These make sure that procurement outcomes are transparent and can withstand scrutiny.
What’s a contract and what’s procurement?
A contract is a legally binding agreement between parties for the provision of goods and/or services. Metro North Health uses different types of contracts, including:
- standing offer arrangements
- consultancy agreements
- service and maintenance agreements
- leases and licenses
- professional services agreements
- construction and minor works contracts.
A procurement process must be undertaken to establish a Contract. Only Officers with relevant delegation can execute a contract.
Procurement is the process of seeking, selecting and recommending a provider to supply goods and/or services. Metro North Health has a centralised procurement hub.
Why is this important and what’s my role?
All procurement undertaken within Metro North Health must comply with the Queensland Procurement Policy (QPP) and Metro North Health’s Procurement and Contract Management Policies and Procedures.
When procuring goods and services, Metro North Health must be able to demonstrate:
- fairness and impartiality
- accountability and transparency
- confidentiality and security
- any conflict of interest has been managed.
It’s your responsibility to:
- make sure that procurements align with the strategic direction of Metro North Health
- keep the procurement process confidential
- adhere to the approved procurement process (including procurement thresholds)
- ensure the process is conducted in an ethical and impartial manner
- declare all conflicts of interest
- make sure any interaction with suppliers can’t be misinterpreted as providing advantage or the perception of future work with Metro North Health.
What do I need to do?
- When you need to procure goods or services, contact Metro North Health Procurement Services as soon as possible.
- Talk to your line manager about your role in procurement and/or contracts management.
- Keep a list of current contracts within your service, their review requirements and renewal dates.