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STARS shining the spotlight on innovation and healthcare improvement

2023-02-13T09:21:16+10:0010 February 2023|STARS Gazer|

STARS Director of Pharmacy Margie Butnoris was the very first STARS team member to graduate recently from the bespoke Graduate Certificate (Health Services Innovation) developed by Metro North Health in partnership with the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI) at QUT.

Through this university qualification, staff explored the health system, discovered the theory of implementation science, health economics and cost effectiveness principles while participating in practical exercises including the completion of an Independent Study.

Through the program Margie had the opportunity to build networks with colleagues and decision makers across the health service.

Margie said the experience of having undertaken a health service innovation program during a pandemic was unbelievable.

“I used the opportunity to focus on our STARS Pharmacy lead initiative ‘One Small Thing’. One Small Thing links workforce wellbeing with better quality outcomes for patients, even when faced with dynamic changes and challenges like the pandemic,” Margie said.

“Being able to look at things in a different way, learn new strategies for implementation, and approaching health services problems was fantastic.”

If you are interested in implementing healthcare improvements within your own workplace, but know there is ‘something missing’, reach out to the Learning Coordinator to keep up to date on recruitment in early 2023 for the next intake starting mid-2023.

For more information on the Graduate Certificate in Health Science (Health Services Innovation).

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