
Emergency and disaster response


Staff update – Heatwave conditions

What is happening?

Queensland is currently experiencing heatwave conditions with significantly higher than average estimated maximum day and night time temperatures.

The Bureau of Meteorology expects the period of hot weather will continue today and tomorrow, with temperatures easing and further storms predicted over the weekend.

Metro North facilities provide essential services to the community and all of us, clinical, operational, support and administrative staff play a vital role in ensuring our patients receive the care they need whatever the weather event.

Queensland Health is the lead hazard agency for heatwaves. To coordinate preparedness activities within health and with partner agencies Metro North’s Heatwave Sub-Plan remains on alert.

What do I need to do?

Visit the Queensland Health website for information on heatwave precautions and:

  • Remember to stay hydrated by drinking 2-3L of water a day.
  • Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide when outside, such as walking to and from your vehicle.
  • Watch out for early signs of heat stress.

Staff who work outdoors or travel to support community-based care should keep outside activity to a minimum during the hottest part of the day, drink plenty of water, and be aware of heat related illness symptoms. There is a Heatwave workplace guideline for employees and a First Aid Fact Sheet – for Heat (non-clinical areas) to support staff wellness available on the staff extranet.

Visiting and telehealth teams should check patients are aware of the heatwave and are taking appropriate action to reduce the impact.

Where can I find out more?

Metro North Health has created an extranet site to keep staff across our emergency and disaster response activities. The site also includes links to useful resources.

For updates on fires, heatwaves, storms, and flooding in your area, download the BOM alerts app on your phone and turn on the warning notifications.

For general information about preparing your home and family for extreme weather and natural disaster events, visit Get Ready Queensland.

Please share this information with colleagues who may not have email access.

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